pressure washer troubleshooting

Experiencing low water pressure and not sure why? Or, maybe your pressure washer isn’t starting whatsoever. Perhaps you’re experiencing a separate issue with your unit entirely. Whatever problem you’re up against, you can rest assured in you’re in the right place. Hotsy is here to help with our complete guide to pressure washer troubleshooting!

Our commercial pressure washer in San Antonio isn’t just the #1 choice for all your pressure washing equipment and supplies. It’s also the place you can turn to for all your questions regarding pressure washing. We’re here to help you make the most of your unit – and if something is wrong and you’re not in equipped to fix it yourself, just schedule an appointment with us for pressure washer service & repair.

Below, you’ll discover some of the most common issues with commercial pressure washers and tips for fixing the problem. First, let’s talk about what exactly pressure washer troubleshooting is.

What is Pressure Washer Troubleshooting Exactly?

Troubleshooting a pressure washer refers to the process of identifying and resolving problems or issues with the machine. This can include things like low pressure, loss of power, leaks, and other operational issues. The goal of pressure washer troubleshooting is to diagnose the problem and find a solution to fix it, so the pressure washer can function properly.

Thus, troubleshooting a pressure washer will look different depending on the issue you’re experiencing. As you can imagine, this can get quite complex – which is why it’s usually something that’s best left to the professionals here at Hotsy. If you got your pressure washer rental through us, and something isn’t quite right, don’t sweat it – just give us a call and we’ll bring you a replacement unit!

However, if you own your machine and want to try and give it a go yourself before entrusting the job with us, keep reading below – we’ll talk about troubleshooting some of the most common issues operators experience with their machines. 

Pressure Washer Troubleshooting: Explaining the Most Common Problems With Pressure Washers

Ready to learn about power washer troubleshooting? We’ll start with the most common problems to try and help you resolve the issue fast and get back to cleaning efficiently and effectively. Let’s start with low pressure.

Low Pressure: Causes & Fixes

This is typically the most common problem with pressure washers. The entire point of using a pressure washer is to quickly and easily blast away tough muck and messes from a surface – whether you’re pressure washing a parking garage, pressure washing buildings, or even operating a car wash with pressure washers. But when your unit loses pressure, your machine becomes next to useless. 

Low pressure can be caused by a number of things. These include a clogged nozzle, a blocked inlet water filter, or a malfunctioning pump. It could even be the water supply itself – not the pressure washer. When troubleshooting pressure washers, the best approach is to check the easiest solution first and rule it out before proceeding to more intensive repairs. 

Weak Water Supply, Hose Problems, and Clogged Nozzles

So start by examining the water source itself. If you’ve got good pressure there, determine if the issue is with the hoses taking the water from your supply to your unit. Kinks or leaks can cut the pressure dramatically. Once you’ve ruled out issues with your hoses, it’s time to check the nozzle for clogs. Remove it from the wand and clear any debris that may be blocking the opening. 

Next, Check the Inlet Water Filter

If the nozzle is not clogged, it could be a blocked inlet water filter giving you trouble. The inlet water filter is responsible for removing debris and particles from the water before it enters the pump. If it becomes clogged, it can reduce the amount of water that is flowing into the pump, which can cause low pressure. These filters need to be replaced every so often, and if you suspect the filter could be the cause of your low-pressure woes, it’s a good idea to swap it out.

If You Still Have Issues, it Could Be the Pump

Now – if you’re still experiencing low pressure, it’s likely your pump – where pressure is generated – is malfunctioning. if the pump’s seals are worn, or there’s a lack of oil, it can cause low pressure. 

To check if the pump is the cause of the problem, you can inspect it for any leaks or damage, and check the oil level. We have an article on what pressure washer oil to use. Because this step involves taking the pressure washer apart to some degree, it may be best to leverage professional help unless you feel up to the task.

Water Leaks: Causes and Fixes

Water leaks don’t just result in wasted water. They can make a mess and contribute to lower PSI. They can be caused by worn or damaged seals/connections. Or, the hose itself could be damaged. 

Of course, water leaks can also be caused by incorrect assembly or usage. So always consult the manual and make sure that the pressure washer is assembled and used correctly. Once you’ve ruled that possibility out, read through troubleshooting a pressure washer with a leak below – starting with assessing the hoses.

Puncture or Tear in the Hose

If you can visibly see the source of the leak in your hose, it’s pretty obvious what the cause and solution are. You’ll just need to replace the hose. Hoses need to be replaced every so often as they wear down with age. To prevent this in the future, try and keep your hoses up off the ground and avoid kinking them or driving over them with equipment – especially while they’re being used.

Worn or Damaged Seals/Connections

If you just see water spraying from the machine itself – not necessarily a hose – it can be harder to pinpoint the exact source of your problem. It’s likely the issue is worn or damaged seals/connections. 

These are responsible for keeping water from leaking out of the hose, gun, or pump. If they become damaged or worn, they can allow water to leak out, reducing the overall pressure and efficiency of the machine. Look for any signs of wear or damage, such as cracks or breaks. If you find a damaged seal or connection, it will need to be replaced in order to stop the leak.

It’s also important to check the gun and wand for leaks, if the gun and wand are not tight or if the O-ring is damaged it can cause water leaks.

If you are unable to find the source of the leak, or if the problem persists after replacing the seals or connections, it may be necessary to take the pressure washer to a professional for further diagnosis and repair. 

Loss of Power or Inability to Start the Unit: Causes and Fixes

What if you’re unable to get the unit to start up? Or, if the unit shuts down unexpectedly during use? This could be caused by something as simple as a faulty outlet or insufficient fuel. We’ll assume you’ve ruled out these possibilities. If so, it could be something more complex like a clogged air filter, worn spark plug, or something else.

Power-related problems are less common when you purchase the best commercial pressure washer possible – like the ones we offer at Hotsy. Even still, you could run into this issue – and rather than call it a day and sacrifice productivity, you can check to see if it’s one of the issues below.

Assess the Air Filter

One of the most common causes of power issues is a clogged air filter. The air filter is responsible for removing debris and dust from the air before it enters the engine, and if it becomes clogged, it can restrict the airflow and cause the engine to lose power or not start at all.

To check if the air filter is the cause of the problem, remove the air filter and inspect it for any signs of debris or clogging. If the air filter is dirty, clean it or replace it.

Check & Replace the Spark Plug

Another possible cause of power issues is a malfunctioning spark plug. The spark plug is responsible for providing the spark that starts the engine, and if it is fouled or damaged, it can prevent the engine from starting or cause it to lose power. 

To check if the spark plug is the cause of the problem, remove it and inspect it for any signs of wear or damage. If the spark plug is fouled or damaged, it will need to be replaced. 

These need to be replaced routinely, and even if your spark plug looks to be fine – it may be worth replacing if you’ve done the work to remove it already. 

Whether you have a gas vs electric pressure washer, any power-related problems are worth getting professional help with. Bring it by a Hotsy location near you if you’re unable to rectify the situation yourself. 

Soap Won’t Dispense: Causes and Fixes

This issue is so common we actually wrote a complete guide on why your pressure washer soap dispenser doesn’t work. And this is a problem that you can’t afford to allow to persist – because adding soap to pressure washers supercharges their cleaning capabilities. 

There are a few likely culprits – it could be a clogged nozzle, similar to the issue of low pressure. Or, the detergent tank itself could be clogged. Maybe you chose the wrong nozzle for use with soap. We’ll assume you checked the detergent tank and ruled out low soap levels already. If so, let’s consider the most likely culprit: clogs in the unit.

Clogged Nozzle or Detergent Tank

First, rule out the possibility your nozzle is clogged just as you would for low pressure. Next, assure the issue isn’t in the detergent tank itself. 

This can happen when you leave the soap in your tank while storing it – the suds can form a scum that clogs the emitter. If this is the issue, use a chemical cleaning agent to restore the tank to its original state. 

Or, maybe you used the wrong kind of soap in your tank. We have an article on what soap to use in a pressure washer if you’d like to learn more. But really, just avoid using homemade pressure washer soap – stick with the best pressure washing soap at Hotsy instead. 

Wrong Nozzle for Soap

There is a ton of different pressure washer nozzles out there – each having its place in your arsenal. But it’s important to choose the soap nozzle for a pressure washer in particular. Otherwise, the soap won’t come out properly. And, you can end up damaging your unit. Typically, you’ll want to use the black nozzle as it has the largest orifice. 

Vibration Noises: Causes & Fixes

Picture this – your machine is working just fine, helping you blast through cleaning jobs like it’s nothing. But, you hear strange, vibrating noises coming from the unit itself. Should you just ignore the sound and continue cleaning? Definitely not!

This suggests there are loose components somewhere within the machine. If left unaddressed, this issue could result in more serious consequences – and more costly repairs. Here’s what you need to do:

Try to Pinpoint the Source of the Noise & Check Parts

During operation, the pressure washer’s various parts are subjected to a lot of stress and movement, and over time, they can become loose or worn. This can cause the pressure washer to vibrate excessively, making it difficult to use and potentially damaging to the machine.

To troubleshoot vibration, start by trying to pinpoint the source of the noise. From there, you can begin inspecting all of the parts of the pressure washer, including the frame, wheels, handle, and hose connections. Look for any loose or worn parts and tighten or replace them as necessary.

There are two specific components of pressure washers that are notorious for vibrating. These are the drive shaft or pumps. Check either of these and rule them out. If you find they are the culprit, it’s best to service a pressure washer with the pros at Hotsy. We’ll take care of it for you.

Other Potential Causes

If it doesn’t appear that the issue is fixed through our advice above, the source of noise could be something like a blocked water intake – or not enough oil in the pump or engine. So, check these as well and rule them out before scheduling your maintenance visit.

The Pressure Washer isn’t Cleaning Right: Causes and Fixes

Maybe you’re just going about your day cleaning and notice you’re not getting the results you’d hoped for. Your pressure washer isn’t blasting through the tough messes you’re up against. Is it something wrong with the pressure washer? Or, is it an operator error? We’ll help you assess either of these possibilities below:

Ruling Out the Pressure Washer

It’s no secret that not all pressure washers are created equal. Some are more effective than others. That’s why those who demand nothing but the best stick with Hotsy. After all, nothing cleans like a Hotsy! So – make sure you’re using a commercial hot water pressure washer that’s up to the task. 

But really, issues with your pressure washer not cleaning a surface well can be attributed to inadequate PSI or GPM most of the time. So – what pressure PSI do I need? It varies from job to job. You wouldn’t want to use excess pressure on a surface that can be damaged – like a vehicle’s paint or a glass window. 

That’s why it’s so important to get professional help in choosing a pressure washer. We can assess your unique needs and offer a recommendation accordingly. With that said, you’ll want a minimum of 1,500 PSI – but your needs could be as high as 3,500+. In terms of pressure washer GPM, you need at least four gallons per minute to remain efficient with ample water flow.

From there, make sure you’re using the right nozzle and hoses. Every job is different, which is why you need an arsenal of choices on standby. You can consider supercharging your unit with the best pressure washing attachments, too.

It Could be User-Error

Pressure washing isn’t all that complicated. However, we do have an article offering more advanced pressure washing tips to unlock the most effective, efficient cleaning process possible. If you haven’t read it yet we encourage you to do so. With that said, here are a few things you could be doing wrong:

  • Holding the wand too far away from the surface being cleaned
  • Not using the right sweeping motion (from top to bottom)
  • Not using the right soap for the job
  • Not allowing the soap to suds up and agitate the surface
  • Leaving the soap on too long and creating a film on the surface

Final Thoughts on Pressure Washer Troubleshooting

Our complete guide on pressure washer troubleshooting should have pointed you in the right direction as to what could be holding you back from your cleaning goals. We hope you feel more confident in troubleshooting your pressure washer now and getting back up and running quickly. If you still have questions or want the experts at Hotsy to provide a recommendation on what your issue could be, don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re here to help with all your maintenance and repair needs. Whether you’re a business owner with constant cleaning needs or you’re considering starting a pressure washing business – don’t hesitate to reach out! 

sandblasting vs pressure washing

Proper surface preparation for painting can give you an advantage over your competitors by increasing the durability and aesthetic appeal of your work. Two options you have for this are sand blasting vs pressure washing – and today, we’ll highlight the pros and cons of each. 

Choosing the appropriate tools will not only increase customer satisfaction but also make your work more efficient, thereby boosting your rate of job success. There are a number of similarities between sandblasting vs pressure washing, but it is the minor distinctions that determine where each method is applicable. 

Here is a detailed comparison of the two, as well as some suggestions for getting the job done right.

What is the Difference Between Pressure Washing and Sandblasting?

When dealing with cleaning contaminants, pressure washing is the preferred method, whereas sandblasting is deemed more effective at removing existing paint from a surface.

Sand blasting creates a profile on the surface to be painted, providing a strong bond between the new paint layer and the surface. When combined with an etching agent, pressure washing can also profile a surface. 

However, because pressure washing is not commonly used to remove paint, it is mostly used on new surfaces. However, hot water pressure washing can help you achieve the same result.

What is Commercial Pressure Washing?

Commercial pressure washing is classified into two types: cold water pressure washing and hot water pressure washing. It’s also referred to as water blasting or power washing.

Pressure washing is a surface preparation method that involves spraying a high-pressure stream of water onto the surface to remove contaminants such as grease and debris. Cold water pressure washers remove less resistant contaminants like oil, but you can customize with detergents and degreasers for pressure washers

Before applying a new coat of paint, you can also use commercial hot water pressure washers to remove the old layer. To get the best results, however, you must follow the proper procedures for stripping paint with a pressure washer.

What is Dustless Sandblasting?

Sandblasting, also known as abrasive blasting, is a surface preparation technique that uses high pressure to release abrasive media to clean surfaces without generating a massive dust cloud. It is extremely effective at cleaning metal surfaces, but it is also effective at cleaning other materials. 

Sandblasting removes paint and prepares the surface for the next coat of paint. It improves the adhesion of paint to the surface, thus improving the quality of your work. 

Sandblasting can be wet or dry, depending on whether or not the abrasive media is moistened. Wet sandblasting uses a high-pressure stream of water to moisten the abrasive media before it contacts the surface. Moistening prevents dust clouds without interfering with the media stream’s effectiveness. 

Sandblasting without water: Dry sandblasting uses high-pressure air instead of water to blast a stream of media.

Sandblasting vs Pressure Washing: Which is Best for Your Unique Needs?

Ready to discover which of these two methods is best for your unique needs? It all comes down to your surface preparation and painting abilities. 

However, as a professional, you should choose a customizable option that can be used for multiple projects with a little improvisation. Nonetheless, here’s a side-by-side comparison of sandblasting vs pressure washing:

Advantages of Sandblasting

Sandblasting can be utilized in a variety of situations due to its variable surface cleaning intensity. 

Due to the release intensity, sandblasting is also a quick method of surface cleaning. It is also well-known for its ability to clean various materials, making it a versatile choice.

Disadvantages of Sandblasting

Because abrasive blast media is more expensive than water, it is less popular among professional service providers. Sandblasting is also very intense, which increases the likelihood of damaging your painting surface. Dry sandblasting can also pollute the air by releasing dust clouds into it.

Advantages of Pressure Washing

Pressure washing is eco-friendly because it uses fewer chemicals and water while producing quick results. No dust clouds are released into the atmosphere during dustless pressure washing. 

It is also more cost-effective because water is less expensive than abrasive blast media, a pot, and a compressor, resulting in a higher profit margin. 

Sandblasting is ineffective at removing grease from surfaces, whereas pressure washing is. It is a gentle method of handling delicate surfaces that leaves no residue. Unless used at extremely high pressure or with a narrow pressure washer tip, pressure washing rarely causes damage.

Disadvantages of Pressure Washing

Pressure washing’s main drawback is that, if not used carefully, it can blitz through flimsier building materials. This may force water into unintended spaces, resulting in the destruction of insulation, flooring, and walls.

You can always adjust the water pressure or avoid using a narrow pressure washing tip.

The Verdict:

Since pressure washing targets difficult-to-reach surfaces and provides thorough cleaning, it is far preferable to other methods. Additionally, it eliminates all built-up material beneath floor surfaces, preventing property damage. 

Tips for Beginning Commercial Pressure Washing

Many individuals believe that commercial pressure washing is as simple as purchasing a quality pressure washer and beginning operations the next day. 

Although a commercial pressure washing business has a lower initial investment and a higher profit margin than most other businesses, there are a number of factors to consider in order to protect your investment and ensure steady business growth. 

Choose the Best Pressure Washer

There are many different types of pressure washers designed for different types of jobs. The majority of paint manufacturers will rate their products as NACE or SSPC. Pressure washing is permitted for surface preparation under NACE standards 5 and 6. 

However, when pressure washing NACE level 6 products, you may need to use an etching agent. NACE level 5 paints necessitate the use of a pressure washer with a PSI rating greater than 10,000. SSPC 1 indicates that oils and soils should be removed before painting, which can be accomplished with a pressure washer. 

Hotsy is South Texas’ leading supplier of pressure washers. If you’re looking for the best commercial pressure washer machines, you should base your decision on specific factors like pressure washer GPM.

Don’t Forget the Detergent & Other Accessories

Using a good detergent can help you increase the intensity of your pressure washing and make your work more appealing. It makes it simple to remove contaminants like oils, tough stains, and grease. It also breaks down the rust and algae before applying pressure to make removal easier. 

Detergents revitalize your surface and make it more receptive to new paint. Using homemade pressure washer detergent can be harmful, hence it is not the best soap for pressure washing

The best detergents have specialized surface preparation formulations. Because of its larger noozle, which reduces water velocity and creates pressure in the hose for easy soap absorption, the black nozzle is the most popular soap nozzle for pressure washers.

Learn How to Use a Pressure Washer Safely and Effectively

Now that the question “What is the difference between pressure washing and sandblasting?” has been answered, learning some pressure washer tips and tricks can help you ensure safety and efficiency in your work. 

Safety is an important consideration, especially when pressure washing commercial buildings. Unique jobs, such as pressure washing parking lots, require unique safety precautions to effectively remove residue without causing surface damage.

You will also learn about various improvements you can make, such as how to use soap with a pressure washer and whether to use hot or cold water. You can handle any type of machine, no matter how complicated it is to operate if you have pressure washer safety measures at your fingertips. 

Pressure washing machines are designed for a variety of purposes, just as each technique is tailored to a specific situation. Hotsy has a complete line of these machines to help you complete any project successfully.

Safeguard Your Investment Over Time

To be sustainable, you must keep your working tools in perfect condition for the next job. This is where accessories like pressure washer oil come in handy. 

Many tips are available, including how to winterize a pressure washer and general pressure washer servicing. Rust-preventive agents can also be added when cleaning metal surfaces with a pressure washer or wet abrasive blasting. 

Whatever you’re cleaning, proper customization with the right accessory combination can do the job perfectly. Hotsy has a variety of such accessories that you can try out to see how they affect your work.

Final Thoughts on Sandblasting vs Pressure Washing

The primary difference between pressure washing and sandblasting is the media used. The latter employs water, whereas the former employs blast abrasive media. 

Sandblasting is very effective at cleaning steel surfaces and removing paint, but it has more limitations than pressure washing, which is highly customizable. 

Hotsy is the most popular commercial pressure washing store in San Antonio. Whether you wish to purchase equipment or seek commercial pressure washer rental services, we’re here to help you supercharge your cleaning or surface preparation process – stop by one of our South Texas locations today, give us a call, or browse our website!

pressure washing equipment list

Whether you’re looking to supercharge your company’s cleaning process or you’re on a mission to start your own pressure washing business, you’re probably curious about pressure washing essentials. What do you need to have on hand to develop an effective, efficient cleaning process?

We’re glad you asked! Today, we’re going to guide you through our pressure washing equipment list.

Obviously, you need the basics – like a pressure washer. That goes without saying.

But to reap the full benefits this powerful cleaning tactic has to offer, you also need a quality detergent and a suite of other supplies and accessories. By the end of our discussion, you’ll know exactly what you need to add to your shopping list. Better yet, you’ll know where to go for all your pressure washing needs.

Let’s not waste any more time – here is the list of necessary equipment for a pressure washing business or a company that is looking to bring the cleaning process in-house.

Pressure Washing Equipment List: The Essentials You Need to Supercharge Your Company’s Cleaning Process

Whether you’re looking to supercharge your company’s cleaning process or you want to learn how to start a pressure washing business, below you’ll find a list of essential equipment. We’ll start with the most important piece of equipment of all – the industrial pressure washer itself.

An Industrial Pressure Washer: The Beating Heart of Your Cleaning Process

It should go without saying that the first piece of pressure washing business equipment you need is the power washer itself!

A pressure washer is the beating heart of a powerful cleaning process. When you start shopping for this equipment, make sure to consider flow rate, power rating, and size. You’ll also want to think about other features like whether you need wheels or if a stationary machine makes more sense for your needs. Here is a quick buyer’s guide:

First, though, you should determine whether you want commercial hot water pressure washers or cold water pressure washers. Each has its own pros and cons, but the heated style offers a more powerful, versatile cleaning solution. As such, this is the type of pressure washer we recommend to you. It cuts through grease, grime, and muck like you wouldn’t believe! You can learn more in our article discussing hot water vs cold water pressure washers.

Another consideration is whether you should go with a gas vs electric pressure washer. Generally, gas machines offer more power, but electric pressure washers are quieter and cheaper to own. You should consider if you are going to be cleaning remote areas where an outlet may not be available. If so, gas is the move. If you only clean indoor facilities, electric power washers may make more sense.

Two of the most important considerations that influence your ideal pressure washer are the pressure washer PSI and the pressure washer GPM. The PSI is the amount of pressure the washer can produce and the GPM is the gallons per minute that pass through. The higher the numbers, the more powerful your cleaning will be.

And while you may assume that more is always better, that isn’t necessarily true – excess water flow can be wasteful, while excess PSI can be damaging to the surface being cleaned. So – carefully consider what your unique cleaning needs are and shop accordingly. Or, simply reach out to us – and we’ll recommend the best commercial pressure washer for your unique needs.

Pressure Washer Detergents: The Secret Sauce for Your Pressure Washer

You also need detergent specifically designed for a pressure washer. This is the secret sauce that will make it easier to break through grime and grease. Plus, it helps protect your equipment by softening the impact of pressure washing on surfaces.

Similar to the pressure washer itself, you’ll want to carefully consider the different degreasers for pressure washers. And no – we don’t recommend homemade pressure washer detergent. that’s because there are targeted solutions for different cleaning needs. For example, you can find all-purpose detergents for general cleaning jobs – or you can find specialized solutions for aluminum and stainless steel, food prep, oil & heavy equipment cleaning, vehicle washing, and more.

Whatever style you go with, just make sure you’re buying the best soaps for pressure washing – at Hotsy, of course. Our solutions are the most cost-effective because they’re so concentrated – less is more. Moreover, they’re environmentally friendly so you can rest assured you’re staying compliant and doing your part to preserve our planet. For more information on actually using detergent, read our guide on how to use soap with a pressure washer. For now, let’s move onto a few more key pieces of pressure washing business equipment.

Pressure Washer Nozzles & Hoses: Fine-Tune Your Cleaning for Different Jobs

To ensure your pressure washer is operating at its full potential, you’ll want to equip it with the right nozzles. This equipment fine-tunes the cleaning power of your pressure washer depending on the job at hand.

Think about it – different surfaces require a different strength and angle of pressure. For instance, you can’t use the same nozzle on a wooden deck as you would a sidewalk. That’s why pressure washer nozzles come in different sizes, shapes, and colors. Similarly, there are specialized soap nozzles for pressure washer.

You’ll also want a power washer replacement hose or attachments for awkward jobs like cleaning second-story windows. This equipment ensures that your team can clean from any angle and with any surface.

At Hotsy, we stock a wide variety of hot water pressure washer parts for you and your business. You’ll gain access to the best selection of nozzles and accessories specifically designed for different pressure washing jobs. We even offer supplies like protective equipment and eye protection to keep your team safe while power washing. Don’t forget to check out our selection today!

A Reliable Water Source

Another pressure washing essential is water – something that seems obvious, but may not be as simple as you think. If you don’t have water where you’ll be cleaning (like remote job sites) you need a truck/trailer with a water tank on it – and Hotsy has those for you too.

You can explore our commercial pressure washer trailer for sale to learn if this is the right choice for you. It allows you to bring your cleaning process anywhere you need – particularly a great investment for those starting a pressure washing business. Or, learn how to make your own pressure washing trailer setup in our blog.

Other Accessories That Can Help With Cleaning Efficacy & Efficiency

The pressure washing essentials above may be all you need for your cleaning process. But no pressure washing equipment list is complete without these essentials!

  • Flat surface cleaners – These are a must-have for anyone who is focused on cleaning large flat surfaces – such as driveways, parking garages, sidewalks, etc.
  • Turbo & long-range nozzles – These will help you remove tough build-up and grime better than standard nozzles. They offer greater intensity and distance for those hard-to-reach areas.
  • Hose reel accessories – These keep your hose orderly and secure to prevent damage – no need to manually roll up a hose at the end of a day.
  • Telescoping wands – These allow you to clean two-story buildings with ease, or reach inside of a tractor-trailer easier.
  • Sludge sucker – This will quickly remove contents from containment pits and drains so you can clean them efficiently.
  • Foam cannon – This helps increase sudsing (for use with detergent) for advanced cleaning. The active ingredients are able to work their magic better.
  • Undercarriage cleaner – A must-have for efficient cleaning underneath vehicles, trailers, and equipment. Learn why in our article discussing how to pressure wash a car.

Now, let’s move to the final topic on our list of equipment for pressure washing business: maintenance supplies.

Supplies for Servicing Your Pressure Washer

One final topic on our pressure washing equipment list is the necessary supplies for pressure washer servicing. After all, your pressure washer is an expensive investment – you want to extend its life as long as possible and keep it working at its best.

As such, you must have the right pressure washer oil on hand, and you should keep a supply of filters as well. Learn more about pressure washer repair & maintenance at Hotsy – as keeping your equipment up and running is paramount to eliminating wasted downtime!

Before You Start Shopping, a Quick Word on Sourcing Your Power Washing Equipment 

That is all the pressure washing business equipment you need – and our pressure washing equipment list is now coming to a close. At this point, you’re ready to head out and start shopping for all the equipment for pressure washing business. Not so fast, though – we want to offer a brief word on the importance of sourcing.

When you start shopping for pressure washing equipment, it is important to consider where you are sourcing your equipment from. You want to make sure that the equipment you purchase is reliable and of good quality so that it can stand up to rigorous use. Your business is on the line – nothing but the best will suffice.

Look for a supplier with a good reputation who will provide high-grade equipment at competitive prices. Make sure to read reviews and do some research before committing to any one store or manufacturer. Additionally, be sure to check if there are any warranties available on the equipment so that you can have peace of mind knowing your investment is protected.

And if you’re looking for a recommendation on where to start searching for equipment for pressure washing business, you can look no further than Hotsy…

Take Your Pressure Washing Equipment List Straight to Hotsy for the Best of the Best!

At Hotsy, we have all the equipment for pressure washing business described above – and a whole lot more. Our pressure washing store is known as the #1 choice in South Texas. They say nothing cleans like a Hotsy – and once you experience our equipment in action, you’ll see why!

So – what are you waiting for? Start shopping for all the pressure washing business equipment you need today. Or, learn more about our commercial pressure washer rental service if you’re not sure investing in all your pressure washing essentials right off the bat is the best move.

pressure washing farm equipment

We don’t have to tell you how messy farms can get. Whether it’s the dust accumulation from plowing fields or mud and grease from tractors themselves – your equipment is going to take a beating. And to a certain extent, that’s fine – this equipment is built to withstand the rigorous, intense conditions that working on a farm entails.

However, at a certain point, pressure washing farm equipment is a necessary part of your operation. It protects your investment and keeps your farm a safe place to work. But how do you pressure wash farm equipment? What is the best pressure washer for a farm? Do you need a detergent, too?

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. Here at Hotsy, we’ve helped countless farmers supercharge their cleaning process and extend the life of their equipment through our pressure washers and detergents. As such, we’ve come to be known as the premier choice for farmers seeking a commercial pressure washer in TX.

Today, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about pressure washing farm equipment. First, let’s talk about what farm equipment and areas need to be cleaned regularly – and why a pressure washer is the premier choice.

What Farm Equipment & Areas Can be Cleaned With a Pressure Washer?

From commercial agriculture to dairy farming, the use cases for pressure washing are seemingly endless on farms. Here are the types of equipment and buildings that can benefit from the addition of a pressure washing solution:

  • Barns
  • Tanks
  • Machinery
  • Tractors
  • Milking Parlors
  • Out Buildings
  • Cattle Pens
  • Greenhouses
  • Plows

While dirt, mud, and much are a part of your day-to-day life, that doesn’t mean they don’t pose a liability over the course of time. Here’s why pressure washing farm equipment is so important…

Why is Pressure Washing Farm Equipment Necessary?

Farmers have been using pressure washers to clean their farm equipment for many years. Because of how pressure washers work, there is no solution as fast or effective. There are several reasons why pressure washing is necessary.

Obviously, it helps to remove dirt, dust, and other debris from the equipment. This can help to keep the equipment in good condition. It also helps to remove grease and oils from the equipment, keeping the equipment functioning properly and reducing the risk of fires or other accidents. 

Overall, keeping your farm equipment and machinery clean preserves the initial investment you made in it. And you already know how expensive some of this equipment can be. Keeping it running smoothly for as long as possible is paramount to your farm’s profitability. It’s also essential for eliminating downtime and lost productivity. On a farm, timing is everything. 

Say you’re harvesting walnut trees – and the time for harvest is rapidly approaching. As you prepare, you notice your shakers aren’t working properly as bearings have become locked as a result of grease messes. This can lead to missing your window of opportunity to harvest trees at the perfect time. All of this could have been avoided through regularly scheduled cleaning and maintenance! 

The second reason to keep your equipment clean is to prevent the transmission of bacteria and other microorganisms on the equipment onto your trees or animals. The last thing you want to do is kill off trees or part of your herd through contamination that could have easily been avoided.

All things considered, farm equipment needs routine cleaning – and a pressure washer is the fastest, most effective way to get the job done safely. So – let’s talk about what you’ll need for the process.

What Equipment is Needed to Pressure Wash Farm Equipment?

Of course, you can’t get started pressure washing farm equipment without the pressure washer itself. But with all the different pressure washer types, making the right decision can feel overwhelming. 

Don’t worry – we’ve got this. We’re going to help you choose the best pressure washer for a farm below. Then, we’ll talk about everything else you’ll need to really get the most effective, efficient cleaning process possible – including a pressure washer degreaser soap and PPE. 

What is the Best Pressure Washer for a Farm?

Choosing the right pressure washer comes down to a few key considerations. First, do you need a hot water or cold water pressure washer? A cold water pressure washer certainly has its place – but on the farm, you need the extra cleaning power of a heated unit. This will cut through grease, mud, and other grime much faster than a cold water unit would.

Another important criterion to consider when seeking the best pressure washer for a farm is the PSI. What is a good PSI for a pressure washer used on a farm, though? We recommend a unit with right around 3,000 PSI. This is powerful enough to make quick work of even the toughest messes with little risk of damaging expensive farm equipment.

You should also consider the GPM your unit is rated at. Wait – what is GPM on a pressure washer? This metric speaks to the flow of water – in other words, how fast the unit can clean. And for farm equipment, we suggest a GPM of around 3-4.

One of the most overlooked elements of choosing the right pressure washer for agriculture or dairy farms is the water source. Do you have a water source nearby your equipment? If not, you’ll need to either build a DIY pressure washing trailer or invest in a reliable pressure washer trailer for sale at Hotsy. 

One final consideration is the operation of your unit – should you go with an electric vs gas pressure washer? For cleaning farm equipment, gas is superior. This style is more versatile since you aren’t restricted by cords – you can clean in the field, at the warehouse, or anywhere in between. Moreover, these units tend to be more powerful.

And if you’re looking for a quick recommendation, our article on the best commercial pressure washer is a great starting point! Otherwise, reach out to the experts at Hotsy – we’ll get you taken care of with exactly what you need for your unique farm equipment. 

Our hot pressure washer for sale are the #1 choice among not just farmers – but everyone who needs the most reliable, efficient cleaning solution. Nothing cleans like a Hotsy, after all! Except, of course, a Hotsy paired with the right degreaser…

Make Sure to Pair Your Pressure Washer With a Specially Formulated Detergent

Along with the best pressure washer for farm equipment, you need the best pressure washing soap. Not just any detergent will do – and we certainly advise you against using a DIY pressure washer soap! Instead, trust the specially formulated products we offer at Hotsy. These are designed to address specific messes you face on the farm for the fastest, most effective clean possible.

But the real benefit of our detergents is the advanced formula HCC additives. These help prevent scale build-up and fight corrosion in your equipment – further extending the life of your investment. And, they’re highly concentrated getting you the most bang for your buck. A little goes a long way!

Think about what you’re up against most – caked on dirt and mud, grease, and oil. Depending on your specific type of farm, you may also deal with regular animal-based messes – like blood, feces, and more. 

All of this is to say that you need to make sure you use the right soap. But what kind of soap do you use in a pressure washer? Chances are, you’ll need a few different types on hand for tackling different types of messes on different types of surfaces. For example, what you’ll use to clean wheel grease and mud off your tractors is different from what you’ll use to clean the inside of your silos and fertilizer tanks. 

This is why we recommend getting in touch with us at Hotsy. We can talk about what your exact cleaning needs are and which solutions are engineered for that particular use case. With that said, here are some of the most common detergents we see farmers using:

  • Breakthrough!
  • Floor Wash
  • Advanced Formula Aluminum Brightener
  • Polished Aluminum & Stainless Steel Cleaner
  • Yellow Fever
  • Carbochlor
  • Power Shine

Other Pressure Washing Necessities for Your Farm

Using a pressure washer with detergent is going to change the way you clean your farm equipment. But, you can’t neglect other necessities – like the PPE gear needed for high-powered jets of water and strong chemical cleaning agents.

You should stock up on safety goggles, rubber boots (non-slip), and pressure washing suits/gloves. These should be waterproof and insulated to protect against powerful hot water jets.

Along with PPE, you may want to look into other cleaning products we have in store at Hotsy. We have automatic parts washers for sale to help you clean small parts from equipment fast and effectively. You should also stock up on hot water pressure washer parts and accessories to supercharge the process. This includes things like extra long hoses, wand extensions, foamer attachments, flat surface cleaners, soap tips for pressure washers, and more. 

Of course, it’s always a good idea to keep some manual scrub brushes on hand too just in case you come across something your pressure washer is incapable of cleaning – although that occurrence is rare. 

How Do You Pressure Wash Farm Equipment? Step-by-Step Recommendations 

Now that you’ve got all your equipment on standby, it’s time for the fun part. How do you pressure wash farm equipment, though? Recommendations will vary depending on what exactly you’re cleaning. The specific process for cleaning tractors will vary from the specific process for cleaning cattle pens.

However, the principles for efficient, effective, and most importantly, safe cleaning are universal. Start by learning how to start a pressure washer in our blog. You’ll want to clear the area of any people/animals, or equipment that you don’t want to get washed. It may be worth covering up glass windows depending on how powerful your pressure washer is.

Then, check out our article on how to use soap with pressure washers. This will guide you through the ins and outs of adding detergent to your unit’s tank – including the specific concentration you should follow. 

At that point, it’s time to get to cleaning. We always recommend starting with a sudsy soak. Spray the detergent onto the surface and let it sit for at least 5-10 minutes (longer if the weather allows – but you don’t want to let the soap dry on the surface). This soak allows the detergent to work its magic on the caked-on dirt, grease, oil, or other muck you’re cleaning. 

After that, you can follow up with a powerful blast of pure water to rinse away the suds and – hopefully – reveal a beautiful, like-new surface underneath. There will be times, however, when you need to repeat the process. You may even want to manually agitate the mess with a scrub brush if the first pass is ineffective.

When using your pressure washer, spray in a top to bottom sweeping motion. Don’t let the jet sit on one area for too long – this can lead to damage. And, you should also be sure you don’t let the nozzle get too close to the surface being cleaned. This can also cause damage. 

We have an article discussing more advanced pressure washer tips and tricks that we encourage you or whoever is going to be operating the pressure washer to read. And for a more broad overview, our guide on how to operate a power washer is a great entry-level resource. 

Closing Thoughts on Pressure Washing Farm Equipment

Agriculture farms, dairy farms, poultry farms, and cannabis farms all vary greatly in what they’re raising/growing. One thing is consistent across all these types of farms, though – things get really dirty out there!

Keeping your farm equipment and buildings clean is not something you can overlook – which is why pressure washing farm equipment is so important. And now that we’ve taught you what all you need to buy and how to actually go about pressure washing your farm equipment, there is only one thing left to do – grab your necessities and prepare for that first cleaning cycle. With the right supplies and equipment, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is!

Just need to clean equipment a few times a year? It may make more sense to look into commercial pressure washer rental – which we can help with, too! No matter what your pressure washing needs are, you can count on Hotsy to guide you through the process. Reach out to our team today – or visit one of our many South Texas locations!

pressure washing construction equipment

Looking to learn all about pressure washing construction equipment? You’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about integrating a pressure washer into your process to keep your equipment performing at its best while protecting your investment.

Whether you’re dealing with caked-on grease, mud, or a combination of the two – you need the right tools for the job. Otherwise, you’ll find that your cleaning process is both ineffective and inefficient. But by the end of our article today, you’ll feel confident in how to supercharge your cleaning process.

Let’s start by addressing a common question we see asked by project managers and contractors alike: do you really need to pressure wash construction equipment?

Do You Need to Pressure Wash Construction Equipment?

The answer is a resounding yes. Construction equipment takes a beating day in and day out. It’s essential to not only the look of your project but also the lifespan of your equipment to keep it clean. There are several factors that contribute to the need for pressure washing construction equipment, such as:

  • The Grease from Your Equipment: As you likely already know, your construction equipment needs grease for proper operation. This is true of every machine you have in your arsenal – from backhoes to excavators. As this grease spreads around your equipment it needs to be cleaned off.
  • The Materials You’re Working With: If you’re working with materials like concrete or asphalt, they will inevitably end up on your equipment. Not only does this lead to an unsightly appearance – but it can also cause long-term damage if left unchecked.
  • The Location of Your Project: Another significant factor is the location of your project. If you’re working in a dusty area, your equipment will be covered in a thick layer of dust at the end of each day. This not only looks bad but can also cause your equipment to overheat and break down prematurely. Similarly, mud can get caked onto the equipment and create a hardened surface that doesn’t come off easily.
  • The Weather Conditions: Depending on the time of year and location, you may also contend with harsh weather conditions. For example, saltwater spray from the ocean can corrode metal surfaces if not cleaned off in a timely manner.

The Importance of Pressure Washing Construction Equipment in an Effective, Efficient Manner

There are several reasons why pressure washing construction equipment is essential, both for the equipment itself and for the project as a whole. Let’s take a look at a few of the most important benefits:

  • Improved Equipment Performance: When your equipment is caked with grease, dirt, and other materials, it doesn’t operate as efficiently as it should. This can lead to increased wear and tear, breakdowns, and a shorter lifespan for your equipment. Pressure washing removes all of the built-up grime so that your equipment can function at its best.
  • Enhanced Equipment Longevity: In addition to improved performance, pressure washing also extends the lifespan of your equipment. This is because all of the harmful materials that can cause corrosion and other damage are removed before they have a chance to do any real damage.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: By pressure washing your equipment on a regular basis, you can avoid costly repairs and replacements down the road. This preventative maintenance will save you money in the long run.
  • Improved Project Timeline: When your equipment is running smoothly, you can get the job done faster. This means fewer delays and a smoother project timeline overall.
  • Enhanced Safety: Pressure washing also has safety benefits. For example, if your equipment is caked with mud, it can be slippery and dangerous to operate. By keeping your equipment clean, you can avoid accidents and injuries.

When is Pressure Washing Construction Equipment Necessary?

Now that we’ve answered the question of whether or not pressure washing construction equipment is necessary for you, let’s look at how often it should be done. The frequency with which you need to pressure wash will depend on several factors, such as the type of equipment you’re using, the location of your project, and the weather conditions.

  • If you’re using grease-based equipment, it’s essential to pressure wash it daily. This will remove the built-up grease and prevent it from causing damage.
  • If you’re working in a dusty area, you should pressure wash your equipment at the end of each day. This will remove the layer of dust that can cause your equipment to overheat.
  • If you’re working in a muddy area, you should pressure wash your equipment at least once a week. This will prevent the mud from hardening and becoming difficult to remove.
  • If you’re working in a saltwater environment, you should pressure wash your equipment as often as possible. Saltwater can cause corrosion, so it’s important to remove it from your equipment as soon as possible.

In general, the more often you clean your equipment, the better. While there is a point of diminishing returns, you won’t harm your equipment by keeping it too clean. 

The worst you risk is a bit of wasted time and resources. Compared to the risk of not cleaning your equipment enough, the decision to create a frequent cleaning schedule is a no-brainer for any project manager or construction company owner.

Pressure Washing Tips for Construction Equipment: Everything You Need to Know

Ready to learn all about pressure washing your construction equipment? Our beginner guide on

With that said, here are some pressure washing tips for construction equipment to help you supercharge your cleaning process in an effective, efficient manner. Step one – choosing between the different types of pressure washers & getting the right specs.

Start By Choosing the Right Machine

The first step is to choose the right pressure washer. And for that, our pressure washer buying guide will prove invaluable. However, here are some tips to help you find the best industrial pressure washer for your unique needs.

First things first – what pressure washer PSI do I need? For most construction equipment, you’ll need a commercial-grade pressure washer with at least 3,000 PSI of pressure. This will ensure that all of the grime and dirt is removed quickly and easily. But the PSI doesn’t tell the whole story – you should also consider your pressure washer GPM.

Your pressure washer GPM (gallons per minute) determines how much water your pressure washer can output. For construction equipment, you’ll want a pressure washer with at least 4 GPM of flow. This will help to remove all of the dirt and debris quickly and efficiently.

From there, you can choose between a hot water vs cold water pressure washer. For the types of tough cleaning jobs you’ll face, stick with hot water – it’s so much more efficient and effective.

In terms of the actual pressure washer unit, there are two main types to choose from – electric and gas-powered. And while you can read our debate on the electric vs gas pressure washer debate, we’ll save you the trouble: for construction equipment, in particular, stick with gas. It’s more powerful and versatile – since you’ll rarely have an outlet to connect to at certain job sites.

This leads to the next point – do you have a water source on site? If not, this is an important consideration. After all, you can’t start a pressure washer without water! For these types of remote jobs, you may need to either build your own pressure washer trailer – or better yet, head over to Hotsy in South Texas.

We have a wide array of pressure washer trailers for sale – and, you’ll even find hot water pressure washers for sale. You won’t have to play the guessing game as to which unit is right for you – we’ll provide a tailored recommendation to help you get the most bang for your buck. With over 40 years of experience, you can trust that we’ll get you set up right. And, we have the other supply you need as well: a pressure washer degreaser soap. We’ll explain the significance of this below.

Pair it With the Proper Degreaser Soap

For certain jobs, a pressure washer alone is enough to achieve a perfect clean. However, anytime there is mud, grease, and other tough substances stuck on your equipment, you may need some extra cleaning power in the form of detergent. We have a complete guide on how to use soap with a pressure washer to help you with this step. However, here is a summary of what you need to know:

First, figure out what kind of soap to use in power washers. You may be tempted to use a homemade pressure washer detergent – but we advise against this. You need a formulation that can specifically tackle grease and caked-on mud – and we have that in store for you, too. At Hotsy, you’ll find the best soap for pressure washers available. We have targeted solutions for specific cleaning jobs. For these types of jobs, in particular, we recommend one of the following formulas:

  • Breakthrough
  • Carbon-Ate
  • Hotsy Brown
  • Ripper I 

Then, you need to choose the right soap nozzle for the pressure washer. Fortunately, we have a complete guide to help you navigate this step when you come to it.

Now that you’ve got your equipment and supplies, it’s time to get to the fun part – actually cleaning construction equipment with your industrial pressure washer. Let’s begin with some brief safety tips:

Tips for Keeping Your Cleaning Process Safe for the Equipment and for Others

We encourage you to check out our complete guide on pressure washer safety – but here are some key points to keep in mind.

First and foremost, always make sure that you’re wearing the proper safety gear before you start the pressure washer. This includes eye protection, gloves, and closed-toe shoes. And, if you’re using a hot water pressure washer unit, be extra careful to avoid burns – the water can get up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit!

Next, you’ll want to take some time to familiarize yourself with the pressure washer before starting. Read the manual and get a feel for all of the different features and attachments. This will help you avoid any accidents while operating the unit.

Finally, always make sure that the area around you is clear before starting to clean. This includes people, pets, and any other objects that could be hit by the high-pressure stream of water.

Now that you know how to keep yourself safe, it’s time to learn how to pressure wash construction equipment properly. Check out the tips below:

Tips for Actually Pressure Washing the Construction Equipment

We have a complete guide on pressure washing tips and tricks to help you make the most of your cleaning process. However, here are some guidelines below:

  • Start With Manual Cleaning. If there are large dirt clods or grease streaks caked onto your equipment, begin by manually removing these with a cloth or scrubber. This is far safer for you – the operator – than blasting the grease/dirt with a pressure washer. As you remove these debris chunks, be sure to dispose of them safely to prevent tripping hazards.
  • Work Top to Bottom: When you’re pressure washing, always start at the top and work your way down. This will help prevent streaking and ensure that all of the dirt and grime is removed from the surface.
  • Use a Wide, Circular Motion: Use a wide, circular motion when you’re pressure washing to avoid damaging the surface of the equipment.
  • Keep the Nozzle Moving: Don’t keep the pressure washer nozzle in one spot for too long – this could damage the equipment. Instead, keep the nozzle moving at all times.
  • Let the Suds Work: After applying the degreaser to the dirtiest areas of your equipment, let the suds sit for anywhere from 15-30 minutes. This gives the active ingredients in the soap a chance to work their magic. 
  • Rinse Thoroughly: Once you’re done cleaning with soap, make sure to rinse the equipment thoroughly with clean water. This will remove any soap residue and ensure that no chemicals are left behind.
  • Inspect Nooks & Crannies: If you follow our recommendations throughout this article carefully, you should do an impressive job the first time around. However, it’s possible that after your final rinse there will still be nooks and crannies in your construction equipment that were missed. Give these some extra detailing. At this point, you can let your construction equipment air dry.

Final Thoughts on Pressure Washing Construction Equipment

That entails all that you need to know about pressure washing construction equipment. At this point, it’s time to put what you’ve learned to the test. 

Remember – nothing cleans like a Hotsy. So head to your nearest Hotsy retailer in San Antonio and stock up on your soap and let us help you find the right machine. We even offer commercial pressure washer rental if you only need a unit every so often!

will pressure washer remove oil from asphalt

Asphalt is considered one of the best paving options in the world for good reason – an asphalt driveway is affordable, strong, and when regularly maintained, looks much better to potential clients.

However, asphalt also stains from time to time. The type of stain that is mostly associated with this paving option is grease and oil stains from vehicles. You may also deal with other types of stains depending on where your asphalt is – from roadkill to food spills. Whatever the case, these stains can ruin the appearance of your business or property.

Fortunately, there are several options that a business can employ to remove oil from asphalt and make their properties look great again. A great option is cleaning oil off the asphalt with a pressure washer in San Antonio.

Wait – will a pressure washer remove oil from asphalt? The answer may surprise you…we’ll take an in-depth look at cleaning oil off asphalt with a pressure washer in this article. By the end of this discussion, you’ll know how to get oil off asphalt with a pressure washer. First things first – why is this so important?

Why Removing Oil Stains From Asphalt at Your Property is so Important

A clean driveway says a lot about your business. It sells the idea that you are considerate of even the little things about your business. It gives customers that extra sense that your business will serve them in the same way you take care of your driveways and parking lots. This might seem a bit farfetched, doesn’t it? Well, it is not far from reality. Like the front and back covers of a book, the exterior compound of your business needs to evoke a good impression on which clients will base their first opinion about the business.

How to get oil off asphalt with a pressure washer from your property is more than just cosmetic repair. From a business perspective, removing oil stains from asphalt not only appeals to clients and persons who visit your premises. It also prevents asphalt damage thus prolonging the lifespan of your property.

There are a few ways to remove asphalt from your property but is pressure washing oil from asphalt the best method? Will a pressure washer remove oil from asphalt? For those who already have a power washer, their bugging question is probably, how to get oil off asphalt with a pressure washer? Read on to learn more and find answers to these questions.

Will a Pressure Washer Remove Oil from Asphalt?

Pressure washing is a powerful force that can break up and wash away oil stains in your asphalt. However, there is a caveat – you need to use the best commercial grade pressure washer to get the results you’re after in an efficient manner. If you are using a weak pressure washer, it might not have enough force to completely remove the oil stains.

Moreover, a pressure washer alone does not get the job done. You will need to pair it with a quality detergent, advanced pressure washing techniques, and sometimes, manual brushes for the best results.

However – the answer is yes, a pressure washer will remove oil from asphalt when used correctly. In fact, this is the best way to tackle crude oil and grease stains on any surface, really! You just need to know how to get oil off asphalt with a pressure washer – which we’ll teach you below. Keep reading to learn the best way to pressure wash oil stains from asphalt!

How to Get Oil Off Asphalt With a Pressure Washer: The Best Way to Remove Stains

Ready to learn the best way to pressure wash oil stains from asphalt?

Spilled oil can leave nasty stains on your asphalt driveways and parking lots. These stains are not only an eyesore but also a slipping hazard. A business should take care of these stains right away before they become liabilities. With the right materials, there are a few options available to help clean driveway asphalt in no time.

Before beginning the process, make sure you have all equipment ready. You will need a suitable pressure washer, a quality detergent, and an asphalt brush to get started. It helps to dedicate a few hours to this task and also don’t forget to check the weather.

Prepare the Surrounding Area

Before you can successfully remove oil from asphalt, it is important to clear surfaces of any obstruction.

When working on a car parking lot, for example, you will need to move all the cars to another place. Make sure the customers are aware of the ongoing repairs so that they can move their vehicles before you start the job.

Then use a large utility broom to sweep any debris such as dirt, twigs, shrubs, leaves, flowers, and small stones. We also recommend you read our article on pressure washer safety before starting a pressure washer.

Choose the Right Pressure Washer

Cleaning the exterior of your business can be a tedious task. Fortunately, using a pressure washer can help to powerfully deep-clean surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, garages, walls, or sides of buildings. With over 80 hot water and over 35 cold water pressure washers paired with the best pressure washing detergents in the industry, Hotsy offers the necessary equipment and the best ways to pressure wash oil stains from asphalt that will work perfectly for your business.

A pressure washer uses either hot or cold water to produce superior high-pressure levels that can break oil and other stubborn stains on your surfaces.  For example, commercial cold-water pressure washers rely on pressurized water produced by the motorized piston pumps within the machine whereas hot-water pressure washers derive much of their cleaning ability from hot water. Whether you are looking for a commercial cold water pressure washer or a commercial hot water pressure washer for sale, Hotsy’s wide range of commercial pressure washers and detergents is a great investment.

Pair it With a Quality Detergent

If cleaning oil off asphalt with a pressure washer is your preferred method, you will need a pressure washer soap to succeed. Hotsy’s detergent, soap, and degreasers are among the best the industry has to offer. But you may be wondering what kind of soap to use in power washer, exactly. Hotsy Brown is one of the most powerful pressure washer degreaser used to remove carbon-based deposits such as grease, oil, exhaust strains, road film, and dirt.

Keep in mind that not all soaps and detergents can be used in a pressure washer to clean asphalt. Some types can even clog your power washer’s nozzle. The last thing you would wish for is to incur additional costs on things you can avoid. And we should also mention that you should never use homemade pressure washer soap – it’s much more affordable and efficient to stick with quality, tried-and-true formations from the experts at Hotsy.

Dilute some detergent with water and put it in the pressure washer. Sprinkle the solution over the spills and let it soak for some minutes, before scrubbing and rinsing away.

Use the Right Pressure Washing Technique

The best way to pressure wash oil stains from asphalt is by first powering the power washer to bleed the hose of any compressed air. You can do this by holding down the trigger to allow any water out. This process takes no more than a minute.

For the best cleaning results, first, use the pressure washer with plain water to remove dirt. Next, use the wide nozzle setting to apply the best pressure washer soap. Let it sit for some minutes so that it can penetrate the dirt before you start scrubbing.

Finally, find a balance between a wide nozzle and a tight nozzle, but not a setting that is too aggressive, to rinse the asphalt surface with plain water. Remember, a 0-degree nozzle setting could easily damage the asphalt.

Scrub if Necessary

Scrubbing is perhaps the most important stage in the entire cleaning process. Scrubbing enables a degreaser to agitate oil stains that have been sitting on the asphalt for a long time.

When oil stains on asphalt driveways wait a long time to be removed, they become harder to get out. This means that apart from a reliable pressure washer and detergent, you will also need a dedicated asphalt brush that has strong bristles and that can generate adequate power when used to scrub a surface.

Follow-up as Needed

To get the best appearance and most life for your asphalt driveways and surfaces, make sure that you conduct sealing and regular maintenance every 3-5 years. Pressure washing the driveway at least once or twice per year can get you more seasons out of your investments.

Final Thoughts on Cleaning Oil Off Asphalt With a Pressure Washer

To answer the question, will a pressure washer remove oil from asphalt? The answer is yes. Using medium to heavy-duty commercial pressure washers can remove oil stains and dirt from your asphalt driveways and parking lots.

However, when cleaning oil off asphalt with a pressure washer, it is important to choose a suitable power washer and use the right pressure washer tip to avoid causing any damage to the asphalt. Although oil stains are hard to remove, Hotsy Pressure Washers guarantee the best cleaning job possible even for the toughest stains.

If your power washer needs maintenance, Hosty’s pressure washer repair and services may help but if you are looking to use a commercial power washer severally a year, our pressure washer rental San Antonio services may more sense from a business perspective. Call us or visit our stores in San Antonia today for the best pressure washing deals!