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What PSI to Pressure Wash Concrete is Best?

what psi to pressure wash concrete

There’s no denying that pressure washing concrete is the fastest, most effective approach to keeping your surfaces clean. Whether you’re cleaning the sidewalk at your property or a shop floor, you can make quick work of tough messes with the proper pressure washing system.

But, what PSI to pressure wash concrete is best? After all, this rating is a direct indication of how much pressure your unit is capable of. It speaks to the machine’s ability to blast through caked-on stains and messes with ease. 

If you don’t have a high enough PSI, you’ll end up fighting an uphill battle. However, more isn’t necessarily better. There are many commercial units with PSI ratings so high they are capable of damaging concrete – which is the last thing you want. 

Figuring out how much PSI to pressure wash concrete can be a convoluted topic. That’s why we’ve decided to put together this detailed guide explaining what PSI is best for concrete. 

Our recommendation ranges from as low as 3,000 PSI to as high as 4,000 PSI. But, there are quite a few factors at play influencing your ideal PSI rating. We’ll cover everything you need to know below so you can feel confident choosing your pressure washer PSI. 

First, let’s talk about why this is so important in the first place…

Learning How Much PSI to Pressure Wash Concrete Matters More Than You Think…

When it comes to pressure washing concrete, there is a fine line separating between too much pressure and not enough pressure. 

If your machine is too weak, you’re not getting much better performance than a high-pressure garden hose. You aren’t actually getting the benefit of an efficient, effective cleaning solution that had you wanting to buy a pressure washer in the first place. This could mean you have to waste time with multiple passes or get out the scrub brushes.

But, bigger is only better to a certain point. That’s because too much pressure can damage the surface being cleaned. Figuring out the sweet spot isn’t easy – but it’s key to avoiding any of the pressure washer risks. The last thing you want is to do more harm than good by cracking your concrete or removing the finish on it. This is rare on sidewalks, but more delicate forms of concrete are susceptible to this type of damage.

Don’t worry – in just a moment, you’ll have a clear understanding of how much PSI to pressure wash concrete makes sense for you. Let’s get into the factors at play…

What PSI to Pressure Wash Concrete is Best?

So, what PSI pressure washer do I need? As mentioned earlier, we recommend using a pressure washer that’s capable of at least 3,000-4,000 PSI. This range is a good middle ground between too powerful and not powerful enough. With that said, this is quite a broad range – and a more specific answer depends on a few factors: the type of pressure washer being used, the type of concrete being cleaned, and the mess in question.

First, consider whether your unit is a hot water vs cold water pressure washer. As you may imagine, hot water is inherently more powerful – as the high temperature can easily agitate caked-on grime and muck. Cold water units, on the other hand, are generally less effective at cleaning and thus, you’ll need to compensate with more power.

Another important factor to consider is the type of concrete being cleaned. Different types of concrete have varying degrees of durability, and some may be more prone to damage than others. For example, stamped concrete, which is a decorative type of concrete, may require a lower PSI to prevent damage to its delicate patterns.

Finally, the mess in question also plays a role in determining the ideal PSI. For instance, a light layer of dirt or dust may only require a PSI of 1,500 to 2,000, while a thick layer of oil or grease may require a PSI of 3,500 or higher to remove.

Now, in saying all that, can a 2,000 PSI pressure washer clean concrete that’s caked in food grease? Or, can a 1,500 PSI pressure weather clean concrete that has oil stains? 

If you already have a machine and you’re hoping to use it for your concrete cleaning needs – but it falls below our recommendation above – you’re likely going to need to upgrade. You may be able to clean your concrete to some degree, but at PSI that low you’re not going to get the full power of a commercial pressure washing system. 

Trust us – it’s worth upgrading to the best commercial pressure washer. And at the best commercial pressure washer store in San Antonio in South Texas, that’s exactly what you’ll find. More on that later. Before we wrap up, allow us to leave you with a few more tips to supercharge your pressure washing process.

Other Tips to Supercharge Your Pressure Washing Process

The PSI of your pressure washer does play a key role in its ability to clean concrete. However, it’s not the end-all-be-all of your process. You should also take into account the GPM on your unit while ensuring you have the right accessories for the job. There are also techniques you can employ to achieve higher productivity and better cleaning abilities. We’ll cover all this and more below:

Take GPM Into Account, Too

What is GPM on a pressure washer? GPM stands for gallons per minute, which is a measurement of the water flow rate from a pressure washer. It represents the amount of water that a pressure washer can deliver in one minute. And, as you can imagine, this plays a key role in your unit’s ability to clean. In fact, GPM and PSI go hand in hand.

A pressure washer with a high PSI but a low GPM will deliver a powerful stream of water that can effectively clean tough dirt and grime, but it will take longer to cover a large surface area – compromising efficiency. On the other hand, a pressure washer with a high GPM but a low PSI will cover a large area quickly, but it may not have the force needed to remove stubborn stains and debris – sacrificing cleaning quality.

As such, you need a balance between GPM and PSI to achieve optimal cleaning results. A pressure washer with a high GPM and a high PSI will provide the best cleaning power, delivering a high volume of water at a strong pressure to quickly and effectively clean large surface areas and tough stains.

Use a Quality Detergent & Grab the Right Accessories

When you add soap to a pressure washer, you can power down the PSI while increasing the cleaning capabilities. This is one of the best ways to clean better and faster, effectively maximizing the potential of your unit.

However, just like choosing the right PSI for pressure washing concrete surfaces, it’s important to set yourself up for success with the best pressure washer soap. And, as luck would have it, we recently wrote an article on the best chemical for pressure washing concrete. We recommend one of the following formulations:

  • Floor Wash
  • Shop Floor Cleaner
  • Breakthrough!
  • Ripper I or II

Of course, you must also have the right soap nozzle for pressure washers if you’re going to use detergent. We recommend a 25-degree nozzle for general cleaning or a 0-degree nozzle for tough stains.

Speaking of which, you can read our article on the best pressure washer accessories to discover other add-ons to supercharge your cleaning process. In the case of concrete sidewalks and floors, an automatic floor cleaner is a must-have. And there are countless other products that can help you work smarter rather than harder. 

Learn About Advanced Techniques for Faster, More Effective Cleaning

Figuring out how to use a pressure washer is pretty simple and straightforward. But for faster, more effective cleaning, read our article on advanced pressure washing techniques. There, you’ll learn the correct way to clean concrete with a pressure washer.

Essentially, you want to start by applying a detergent soak to the surface so the active pressure washing soap ingredients can work their magic on the mess. This will loosen the hold the dirt, grime, oil, or other messes have on the concrete. And after a few minutes, you’ll be able to blast the sudsy mess with pure water to reveal stunning, like-new concrete underneath. 

Use overlapping strokes so you don’t miss any spots and work top to bottom so you don’t push dirt back up into clean areas. You should also take care to maintain a consistent 6”-12” distance between your nozzle and the surface being cleaned to get close enough to clean, but not too close that you damage the surface. 

Upgrade to a Hotsy Machine

Now, the final piece of advice we want to give you is to upgrade your unit at a South Texas Hotsy retailer near you. Why? Simple – nothing cleans like a Hotsy!

We have commercial hot water pressure washers for sale, cold water pressure washers for sale, and even pressure washing trailers for sale! And if you aren’t sure investing in your own unit is the right choice, you can count on us for commercial pressure washer rental, too.

With over four decades of experience in this industry, we’ve developed a reputation for consistently producing durable, reliable, effective, and efficient pressure washing machines that will help you supercharge your cleaning process. With competitive pricing and amazing support, you can’t ask for much more. Visit us today or reach out if you have any questions! 

Wrapping Up Our Guide on What PSI to Pressure Wash Concrete

It’s time to bring our conversation on what PSI to pressure wash concrete to a close. We hope you feel more confident in choosing the right pressure setting for your concrete cleaning needs – whether you’re pressure washing graffiti, pressure washing parking lots, or pressure washing commercial buildings

And now that you know how much PSI to pressure wash concrete is best, it’s time to get to work – or, head over to Hotsy to get a new unit that’s up to standards. From businesses with frequent cleaning needs to those just starting a pressure washing business on their own, you can trust that Hotsy in South Texas has the know-how, the equipment, and the supplies to set you up for success!