If your cleaning surface has no grease or oil, a Hotsy cold water pressure washer will handle the job with no problem.

what kind of oil does a pressure washer use

If you are wondering what kind of oil a pressure washer uses, keep reading. This guide will show you which oil to use – and how much. You’ll also learn how often a pressure washer needs its oil changed, along with other tips to keeping your unit running smoothly and efficiently. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to actually change the oil in your pressure washer. 

This guide will help prevent overheating and other forms of damage to the internal elements of your machine. This is not something you want to miss out on – so keep reading to preserve the life of your power washer!

Does It Matter What Kind Of Oil Goes In Your Pressure Washer?

Yes. It does matter what kind of oil goes in a pressure washer. The wrong kind will cause your engine to not function at all.

To begin, you don’t want to add motor oil to your pressure washer. The reason for this is that most machines do not have oil filters. The impurities found in motor oil can cause damage to the inner workings.

Before you know it, you’ll be finding a pressure washer repair shop that will have to fix the issue. That alone will cost you plenty of money on the service. That’s why you want to pay close attention to this guide so you can be able to tell which oil is suitable.

Another thing that can cause your pressure washer to not work well is neglecting to change the oil on time. For this reason, you want to make sure you get it serviced on a regular basis. Using your pressure washer on the regular will require you to check to see if it’s in good shape. A huge part of that is checking up on the oil and keeping it topped off. You’ll also need to routinely change the oil altogether, flushing the system.

You may not be using it often, yet you still want to check the oil and give it the proper maintenance it needs. The oil may build up over time and it can be less than effective when it’s sitting in the same place for a long period of time. 

So, What Kind Of Oil Does A Pressure Washer Use?

So, what kind of oil does a pressure washer use? 

One of the most common options for oil when using a pressure washer are SAE 10W-30 and SAE 10W-40. You want to keep in mind that the manufacturer of your pressure washer may suggest that you use something specific . Make sure you consult your owner’s manual to see if there is a specification. This is your best bet.

SAE 10W-30 or SAE 10W-40 are oils that are useful in both hot summer and cold winter days. For example, if you are looking to use your pressure washer and the temperatures are about 40 degrees (F) or less, SAE 10W-30 will be your failsafe option.

Anything about 40 degrees, it can still be your best option. Remember that you do have an alternative in the SAE 10W-40. Both are synthetic and all purpose oils, which are needed for something like a pressure washer.

Most of the modern pressure washers will not have an oil filter. That’s why it is important to change the oil regularly. You’ll find out how to do that later on.

How To Determine Which Kind Of Oil Goes In Your Pressure Washer

As mentioned before, you’ll want to consider a synthetic oil since it’s compatible with most pressure washers. However, you’ll want to consult your owner’s manual to determine the best option. You will find the most compatible synthetic oil option according to their recommendation.

Also, determine if your pressure washer has a pump. If it does, a non-detergent oil will be useful. The reason for this is due to the fact that they don’t have oil filters the way engine-run pressure washers do.

Remember, there is a difference between synthetic and motor oil. Read the labels carefully before you choose the oil you need. The last thing you want to do is be in a hurry and accidentally grab motor oil instead of the synthetic stuff you need to properly run your pressure washer.

It won’t matter what brand it is. As long as it has the SAE 10W-30 or SAE 10W-40 on the label, that’s exactly what you’re looking for. Now, let us teach you how to change oil in pressure washer.

How To Change Oil In Pressure Washer: Step By Step

Ready to learn how to change oil in pressure washer? Here’s what you need to know:

Changing the oil is part of the maintenance process. Doing this is a must for those who own a pressure washer. Failure to do this can lead to performance issues and it may not work as well as you hoped it would. When it comes to your business, efficiency is everything – and neglecting to change your oil can cause performance problems. So, read carefully!

Even if you are not using your pressure washer very frequently, it still needs to be maintained. We’ll talk about how often you need to do that shortly. For now, let’s take a look now at how you can change the oil in your pressure washer:

  • Put a catch basin underneath where the drain hole is (if present). The oil may miss the drain, so it would make sense to use a catch basin that will catch any spills that may happen
  • Remove the cap and let the oil flow out
  • The drain plug will be found at the low point of the washer’s engine. Make sure to rinse the area first before going any further. Remove the bolt that secures the plug using a wrench or a socket wrench. The size you need may vary on what washer you’re using
  • Continue to let the catch basin collect the oil (and also on the metal plate). After the flow ends, wipe the area and reattach the bolt
  • Place a funnel into the fill hole and add new oil to it. Close the pump when finished

There you have it. Before you do anything else, you want to clean the area of any spills just in case. You now know how to change the oil in pressure washers from start to finish. So, the real question is how often should it happen?

How Frequently Should You Change The Oil In Your Pressure Washer?

As a rule of thumb, you’ll want to change the oil in your pressure washer every three months. This is only if you are using it on a frequent basis. Otherwise, you can change it every 30 to 50 hours of operation.

At some point, the frequency will change to about every 300 hours of use or every three months regardless if you are using it on a regular basis or not. Making sure you take on the preventative measures that will help keep it running is important.

The debris that builds up in your engine may cause your pressure washer to overheat. It can get to the point where your engine may malfunction and it will stop working altogether. From there, your option will be to get a new one.

Of course, you don’t want to spend a lot of money replacing one outright. Depending on several factors, you may have to spend thousands on a pressure washer. The more diligent you are in sticking with your pressure washer, the better your pressure washer will perform. Similarly, it will last longe. 

What Kind Of Oil Does A Pressure Washer Use? Wrapping Things Up

The good news is that Hotsy has hot water pressure washers for sale. Whether you’re operating a construction or contracting business or you run a car detailing service, we’ve got the units you need at prices that work for you. You’ll even find cold water units, electric models, and more.

No matter your intent and purpose, Hotsy is your go-to place to buy a commercial pressure washer San Antonio that will help you find the right one. If you need something larger, a pressure washer trailer just might be exactly what you’re looking for.

If you don’t have a pressure washer and need one for a quick task every now and then, we’ve got a pressure washer rental service available for you. This is the most affordable, desirable option for those who only need sporadic cleaning. If you have any questions regarding pressure washers that you can buy or rent, contact Hotsy today at 210-224-4906. We’re excited for you to experience the Hotsy difference for yourself. After all, nothing cleans like a Hotsy!

how long can you run a pressure washer

How long can you run a pressure washer? This is one of the most common questions we get here at Hotsy. As a business owner, you will spend a lot of time using your machine. In fact, there may be 8-hour days where all you and your team are doing is running your unit! But do you need to give the machine breaks throughout the day? And if so, how frequently?

In this article, you’ll learn the answers to these two questions and many other related queries you may have. In short, you want to give gas pressure washers more breaks than electric units – which are more forgiving. Either way, your unit should be given a short break from continuous use every 30 minutes or so. Other factors – like outdoor conditions, your specific unit, and the intensity of cleaning power necessary will dictate the recommended downtime frequency, though. More on that later.

We’ll start by talking about what can happen if you run your pressure washer too long, and provide other safety tips for keeping your machine safe, efficient, and optimized for performance. Let’s start by talking about the risks at play.

Why You Need To Know How Long You Can Continuously Run A Pressure Washer

If you’ve ever used a pressure washer, you know how quickly it can overheat. This is especially true for gas models. Electric models are a bit more forgiving, but will still shut down if they get too hot. So, it’s important to understand how long you can run your machine before giving it a break. But it’s not just about preventing pressure washers from overheating.

Not only will this help prolong the life of your investment, but it will also ensure that you’re using the machine as safely and efficiently as possible. Let’s look at some of the risks associated with running a pressure washer for too long:

  • Overheating: As we mentioned, one of the biggest risks is overheating. This can damage internal components and lead to costly repairs or replacements. This is not an investment you want to make twice if you can avoid it – so preventing overheating is important.
  • Poor Performance: Another risk is that the machine will start to perform poorly. This can be due to a loss of power or water pressure. When it comes to your business, a poor-performing power washer is a detriment. It leads to inefficiency, and thus, lower profitability.
  • Safety Issues: Finally, there are safety concerns. If the machine is not functioning properly, it could pose a danger to you and your team. Read our guide on pressure washer safety for more information.

All things considered, understanding how long you can continuously run a pressure washer is one of the many key elements of pressure washer maintenance. Now that we’ve looked at some of the risks, let’s answer the question – how long can you continuously run a pressure washer?

How Long Can You Run A Pressure Washer?

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the type of machine you have and the conditions in which you’re using it. Here’s a more detailed look at each factor:

  • Machine Type: Gas pressure washers can typically run for about 30 minutes before they need a break. Electric models can usually go for an hour or more. If you’re using a hot water pressure washer, you’ll need to give it breaks more frequently – about every 15 minutes. Of course, the best pressure washers will be capable of running longer than inferior models. This is part of what makes them “the best”.
  • Conditions: The operating conditions also play a role in how long you can run your machine. If it’s hot outside, the machine will overheat more quickly. Similarly, if you’re using it for heavy-duty cleaning jobs, it will put more strain on the components and require more frequent breaks.

Now that we’ve answered the question – how long can you continuously run a pressure washer? – let’s look at some safety tips for running your machine:

Is There Anything You Can Do To Run A Pressure Washer Longer?

Time is money, and taking downtime to give your pressure washer a break represents wasted time – and thus, wasted money. With that said, you’re probably wondering if there is anything you can do to prevent this downtime. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help your machine run longer:

  • Use a lower pressure setting. This will reduce the strain on the pump and help prevent overheating.
  • Use a larger tip. A larger tip will allow more water to flow through, which will help keep the unit cooler.
  • Use an extension hose. An extension hose will give you more flexibility and reduce the risk of kinking, which can lead to reduced water flow and increased heat buildup.
  • Give it breaks. As we mentioned, it’s important to give your machine breaks throughout the day – even if it’s just for a few minutes. This will help prevent overheating and extend its lifespan overall.

Additional Safety Tips For Running A Pressure Washer

Understanding how long you can continuously run a pressure washer is paramount to keeping it in tip-top shape. It will improve your cleaning performance, keep your machine dialed in, and keep everyone operating the unit and nearby safe. But, giving the unit a break here and there isn’t all you can do to optimize the safety and performance of your pressure washer. Here are a few more tips to keep your machine safe – and improve performance:

  • Inspect the unit before each use.
  • Check for leaks.
  • Never point the nozzle at yourself or anyone else.
  • Use the correct tip for the job at hand.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s operating instructions.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your pressure washer is safe and performing optimally – no matter how long you run it continuously. So, there you have it – everything you need to know about running a pressure washer continuously.

How Long Can You Run A Pressure Washer? Closing Thoughts

That just about concludes our discussion today. We’ve answered the question – how long can you run a pressure washer? And now, you also recognize the importance of giving your machine breaks on a routine schedule. Not only will this extend the life of your machine and prevent wear and tear. But, it will also improve the performance of your machine. While the downtime does suck, you can work on other things while the machine cools off – and when you return, the unit will be ready to work more effectively and efficiently. If you’ve been running your machine too long and feel it is impacting the performance of your unit, bring it in for a pressure washer service. We’ll get it taken care of for you.

At this point, you’re ready to start cleaning like the pros do. And if you’re in need of a reliable lineup of commercial hot water pressure washers, you’re in luck. At Hotsy, we’ve earned the reputation as the #1 Pressure washer store in San Antonio and throughout the country. We’ve got all the various types of machine your business needs – no matter what it is you do. Take a look at our extensive catalog or reach out for a recommendation. We’re passionate about helping you get the cleaning power you need. Nothing cleans like a Hotsy – and if you’re not convinced, it’s time you found out firsthand!

how to choose a pressure washer: buying guide

“What kind of pressure washer do I need?” 

We see this question all too frequently. And today, we’re going to answer it once and for all.

You know you need a powerful cleaning solution, but you’re not sure what kind of pressure washer you need. These machines can be a sizable investment for your business, and you want to get it right the first time. After all, choosing the wrong type of machine can result in inefficiency or overkill – neither of which is ideal.

Your business has unique cleaning needs – and you need the perfect solution for the job. And by the time you finish reading our commercial pressure washer buying guide, you’ll be just a few clicks away from your ideal machine. We’re going to explain exactly how to choose a pressure washer.

In this in-depth buying guide, you’ll gain a better understanding of why choosing the right machine is so important. You’ll also learn about the different types of machines available on the market – gas, electric, hot water units, cold water units, etc. More importantly, we’ll help you plan out your next steps to actually getting your perfect match. Stick around to the end as we’ll provide you with a recommendation on where to start your journey to secure the most efficient, effective machine for your unique needs! First things first – why is choosing the right machine so important?

Why Learning How To Choose A Pressure Washer Is So Important

Before we can answer the question “what kind of pressure washer do I need?” we have to explain why this isn’t something you should take lightly. Your business has unique needs – and not all pressure washers are created equal. Choosing the right machine is vital to getting the job done quickly, efficiently, and without any problems.

For example, if you’re looking for a machine to clean delicate surfaces – like vehicles – you’ll want something with less power. On the other hand, if you need to remove thick layers of grease and grime – like in a commercial kitchen – you’ll need a machine with more power, or PSI as it is referred to in this industry.

Not sure what PSI or GPM mean? Don’t worry, we’ll explain all of that in just a bit. For now, just understand that choosing the right machine is vital to your business’ success. Now that we’ve established why finding the perfect pressure washer is so important, let’s move on to discussing the different types of machines available.

What Are The Different Types Of Pressure Washers?

Part of the problem with choosing your ideal pressure washer is that there are so many different types out there. From gas to electric models and commercial to residential styles, and even hot water vs cold water machines. All this variety can get overwhelming – at least if you don’t know the differences. Once we break it all down for you, you’ll feel far more confident in choosing the right machine for your needs. Let’s start by breaking down the commercial vs residential differences.

Commercial Units vs Residential Units

Commercial pressure washers are built for more intense, regular use than their residential counterparts. They’re also generally more expensive as a result.

If you only need to clean surfaces occasionally – like around the house – a residential machine will likely suffice. Say you want to make your Sunday car wash sessions more simple and effective – a small residential machine will be perfect. Or, maybe you want to clean your house siding every year – choose a residential machine.

On the other hand, if you need to regularly clean thick layers of grease and grime – like in a commercial kitchen – you’ll need a machine that can handle that level of intensity. And those are what we call commercial pressure washers.

This is the first major distinction you need to make when learning how to choose a pressure washer. If you’re still here reading this guide, we’ll assume you’re after a commercial pressure washer. You can learn more in our breakdown of commercial vs residential pressure washers. With that out of the way, let’s move on to discussing gas units vs electric units.

Gas Units vs Electric Units

The next major distinction you need to make is between gas and electric units. Both have their pros and cons, which we’ll outline for you now.

Gas units are more expensive up front – but they’re also more powerful. If you need a machine that can handle heavy-duty jobs quickly, a gas unit will be your best bet. They’re also more mobile than electric units since you’re not tethered to an outlet.

Electric units are less expensive upfront and slightly less powerful. But, they’re also much easier to maintain and operate. If you don’t need a machine with a ton of power, an electric unit will likely suffice – especially if you don’t plan on moving it around much. If you want to learn more about the distinction between these styles, our article on gas vs electric pressure washers is a great resource.

Now that we’ve discussed the major distinctions between different types of pressure washers, let’s move on to discussing PSI and GPM.

Hot Water Units vs Cold Water Units

Finally, you must consider the difference between hot water vs cold water pressure washers. This is perhaps one of the most important considerations, too.

Hot water units are more expensive and require more maintenance. But, they’re also much better at removing tough grease and grime. If you need a machine that can handle the toughest jobs quickly and easily, a hot water unit is your best bet.

Cold water units are less expensive and require less maintenance. But, they’re not as effective at removing tough grease and grime. If you need a machine that can handle light-duty jobs quickly and easily, a cold water unit is your best bet.

Now that we’ve gone over the major types of pressure washers, let’s move on to what you came here today – to find an answer to the question, “what kind of pressure washer do I need?”.

How To Choose A Pressure Washer For Your Business

Ready to learn how to choose a pressure washer? We’ve covered the various machines, but which is right for you? And moreover, how do you choose the right specific model? In this section, we’ll provide you with everything you need to know to make the right decision. To kick things off, we’re going to discuss PSI – one of the most important factors in determining which kind of pressure washer you need.

What Is PSI And How Does It Affect My Pressure Washer?

PSI stands for “pounds per square inch” – and it’s a measure of the water pressure coming out of your machine. The higher the PSI, the more powerful the machine.

If you need a machine that can handle light-duty jobs quickly and easily, you’ll want a machine with a lower PSI. If you need a machine that can handle heavy-duty jobs quickly and easily, you’ll want a machine with a higher PSI.

You may be under the impression that the more PSI your unit has, the better. After all, why not choose the most powerful machine possible? Well, if you don’t need that extra PSI, it could end up doing more harm than good. For example, if you’re shopping for your detailing service and want to go about washing a car with a pressure washer, too much PSI can damage windows or even strip paint.

That’s why we encourage you to carefully consider your specific use case, and then read our guide on what PSI pressure washer do I need? Now that you know the basics of PSI, let’s move on to GPM.

What Is GPM And How Does It Affect My Pressure Washer?

GPM stands for “gallons per minute” – and it’s a measure of the water flow coming out of your machine. The higher the GPM, the more water your machine is capable of flowing.

If you need a machine that can handle light-duty jobs quickly and easily, you’ll want a machine with a lower GPM. If you need a machine that can handle heavy-duty jobs quickly and easily, you’ll want a machine with a higher GPM.

You may be under the impression that the more GPM your unit has, the better – just like PSI. But similar to what we said in the previous section, you’ll just end up wasting water – and thus, money – if you get more GPM than you need. So, how do you choose your ideal GPM?

As a general rule of thumb, we recommend choosing a machine with a GPM that’s at least double the PSI. So, if you’re looking for a machine with 2000 PSI, you’ll want a unit with at least 4000 GPM.

Now that we’ve gone over the basics of PSI and GPM, let’s move on to one more important factor – duty cycle.

What Is Duty Cycle And How Does It Affect My Pressure Washer?

Duty cycle is a measure of how long your machine can run before it needs to take a break. The higher the duty cycle, the longer your machine can run without needing a break.

If you need a machine that can handle light-duty jobs quickly and easily, you’ll want a machine with a higher duty cycle. If you need a machine that can handle heavy-duty jobs quickly and easily, you’ll want a machine with a lower duty cycle. Simple enough, right?

As with PSI and GPM, there’s no need to get a machine with a higher duty cycle than you need – it’ll just be wasted money. How do you choose the right duty cycle for your needs?

It really depends on how you’re going to be using your machine. If you only need to use it for quick cleanup of light-duty jobs, then you can get away with a lower duty cycle. However, if your cleaning tasks can last hours upon hours – all that downtime from a lower duty cycle will start to lead to inefficiency and wasted manpower. Downtime is your enemy – and finding a machine that can run longer without breaks will lead to higher efficiency, and thus, profitability. Our guide on how long can you run a pressure washer is a great resource on this topic.

Now that we’ve gone over the basics of PSI, GPM, and duty cycle – let’s move on to our next topic. How do you choose between a gas and electric pressure washer?

Do You Need Mobile Cleaning Capabilities?

Another factor that some business owners don’t consider until it’s too late is where your cleaning jobs will take you. If you are constantly near a water and power source, then this is not as concerning. But what if you have a remote cleaning job? How will you get water and power out there? That’s where a pressure washer trailer comes in. These have a water source and power source on board, and make it easy to bring cleaning power anywhere you need it.

These are definitely geared towards the most high-level, commercial cleaning jobs out there – but they’re a great option to know about. You can even rent a pressure washer trailer for the weekend if you only need it every so often – at least, at Hotsy you can!

Consider Whether You Need A Pressure Washer That Can Incorporate Soap

If you’re in the market for a pressure washer, chances are good that you’ve considered whether or not you need a machine that can handle pressure washer detergent. We’re here to tell you that, yes – soap can be a gamechanger when it comes to pressure washing.

Adding soap to your pressure washing routine can help loosen tough grime and dirt, making your job easier. Not to mention, it can also help protect surfaces from being damaged by the high pressure of the water.

If you’re not sure whether or not you need a machine that can handle soap, think about what kind of jobs you’ll be using it for. If you’re mostly going to be cleaning surfaces that are just lightly dirty, then you probably don’t need soap. However, if you’re going to be cleaning surfaces that are caked with dirt and grime, then soap can be a lifesaver. Learn more about how to use soap with a pressure washer in our blog.

Wrapping Up Our Pressure Washer Buying Guide

We hope this guide has been helpful in getting you started on the right foot. You now know how to choose a pressure washer. In summary, consider your unique cleaning needs – what type of jobs will you be doing? How frequently will you do them? The type of cleaning you need will dictate whether you should go with a gas or electric model, or hot water vs cold water unit. It will also determine your ideal PSI, GPM, duty cycle, and detergent capabilities. 

We didn’t touch on it much, but your budget will also dictate your ideal choice. And if you want to stretch your budget as far as possible, there is only one place to shop – our pressure washer store San Antonio. Those who have used our machines say nothing cleans like a Hotsy, and it’s true – we have the best commercial pressure washers on the market! With so much variety, you’ll have no problem choosing the right machine at Hotsy. We’ve got both hot water pressure washers for sale and cold water pressure washers too. If you’re not quite ready to invest in your own machine, we offer pressure washer rental.

So, what are you waiting for? Reach out and let’s get started choosing the right pressure washer for your unique needs!

how to service a pressure washer

If your pressure washer is a key component of your business, you need to learn how to service a pressure washer the right way. This will protect your investment for the long haul and ensure you keep your power washer running in tip-top shape. But let’s face it – your expertise lies in your business – not in servicing or maintaining a pressure washer!

That’s where we come in. You can find a Hotsy near you and enjoy a professional pressure washer service or get any routine repairs done. We’re the #1 choice in all things commercial pressure washers – and servicing is no exception. But if you’re looking to go the DIY route, we can lend some advice to help you understand:

  1. What goes into servicing a pressure washer
  2. General maintenance with each use
  3. The ideal pressure washer maintenance schedule
  4. And much, much more.

As you can see, we’ve got quite a bit to cover in this article. Let’s start by addressing the question so many business owners ask us – do you really need to service a pressure washer professionally, or can you do this yourself?

Do You Need To Service A Pressure Washer Professionally?

We know you like to get things done yourself. So this begs the question – can you learn how to service a pressure washer yourself, or do you need to bring your unit in for professional maintenance on a routine basis? This sort of depends on a few factors:

  1. Is your time worth being spent on pressure washer maintenance?
  2. Do you have the expertise to service and maintain your pressure washer?
  3. Are you conducting routine maintenance like changing the oil or replacing nozzles, or is there something more serious wrong?

In our opinion, business owners and their employees should work on what they do best – and chances are, that is not servicing a pressure washer (unless you work at Hotsy – this is what we do best!). You should request professional service so that you can continue to allocate your time and energy toward more important areas.

Now, that’s not to say you can’t conduct routine maintenance here and there if it’s something simple – like changing the pressure washer pump oil, replacing filters or nozzles, etc. But if your pressure washer isn’t working as well as you’d like, and you’re not sure why, don’t even bother trying to diagnose the machine yourself. These units – especially commercial pressure washers – can be very complex. You may end up doing more harm than good trying to rectify the issue if you aren’t sure what you’re doing.

All of this is to say that when it comes to servicing your unit, you are far better off bringing it into a licensed Hotsy location. We can conduct the service fast and repair any issues that are holding it back from peak performance. Typically, we can get parts in just a day or two and have your machine back up and running in no time. If need be, we may even be able to get you a pressure washer rental in the meantime!

Having said all this, we know many of our readers are the DIY type and just want to handle this themselves. If you have the know-how, it is totally possible to service your unit yourself. And we’ll walk you through the basics. First – let’s talk about the ideal pressure washer maintenance schedule.

Pressure Washer Maintenance Schedule

Think of your commercial pressure washer like a vehicle. Just as your car needs to be brought in for routine maintenance, so too does your pressure washer. From oil changes to filter replacements, there are varying timelines for when you need to conduct this routine maintenance.

But, just as recommendations vary within cars from make to make, model to model, trim to trim, so too do recommendations vary across pressure washers. That means in order to develop your ideal pressure washer maintenance schedule, you need to consult the manufacturer’s recommendations for your unique make and model. This type of information will likely be readily available in the user manual you received. It’s important to find a user manual for your specific unit because you’ll find different protocols in terms of frequency (along with the type of maintenance) from gas vs electric pressure washers, hot vs cold water pressure washers, etc.

With all this said, we have a few recommendations you can use as a general guideline. Keep reading the next section to discover how to service a pressure washer on the ideal maintenance schedule.

How To Service A Pressure Washer Yourself

This section is not going to be a universal guide on how to service a pressure washer because as we just discussed – recommendations vary from unit to unit. With that said, this section will guide you through the different types of maintenance procedures you should take care to implement – and when you need to do them.

When in doubt, consult your manufacturer directly to determine what exactly servicing your unit entails, along with the ideal frequency. We’ll start by talking about what to do before each use:

Before Each Use:

There are a few things you should do before each use of your pressure washer. Get in the habit of doing these and you’ll eventually start doing the pre-use procedures on autopilot. To make sure you don’t miss any steps, it’s not a bad idea to keep a checklist attached to your unit (or nearby where you store it). Here are some of the crucial steps to follow before operating your unit:

  • General Inspection: quickly look over the unit and identify any leaks. This includes oil, fuel, or water. If there is a leak, there is a problem – and you’ll need to conduct further analysis to determine the source and cause.
  • Check Fuel & Oil Levels: This one is important to prevent you from running your unit dry. But it’s also important to prevent downtime from your unit dying in the middle of a project because you run out of fuel. If you operate an electric pressure washer, there won’t be any fuel to check. But a gas pressure washer needs to have both the fuel and oil levels checked prior to use.
  • Check Screens, Filters, & The High-Pressure Hose: the final steps in your pre-use maintenance are to double-check that your screens, filters, and high-pressure hose are all in order. If you see any issues, you’ll want to remedy them before attempting to operate your unit.

After Each Use

Just as you’ll need to follow a strict pre-use regimen, you should conduct a post-use regimen as well. This will prolong the life of your unit while ensuring it’s ready for the next task when the time comes. This type of maintenance is pretty simple. There are just a few things you need to do before putting your unit away for the day:

  • Empty Detergent & Water Tanks: you don’t want to store your unit full of pressure washer soap or even water, for that matter. You want to fill up your unit with fresh soap and water prior to each use. So, use the remaining detergent and water to clean off the area you’ve been working in. Then, run clean water through your high-pressure hose and spray gun for a few minutes to fully purge the unit.
  • Relieve Pressure In The Unit: as you can imagine, pressure washers generate a good deal of pressure. It’s your job to relieve that pressure after each use. Turn off the pressure washer and disconnect from the water supply. Simply point the spray gun in a safe direction and hold the trigger until nothing comes out.

Routine Maintenance & Servicing Procedures

Along with quick maintenance before each use, there are other forms of maintenance you’ll need to conduct on a set schedule. From changing the engine oil out altogether to cleaning your air filter, replacing spark plugs, and much, much more – here are some recommendations:

  • Change Engine Oil: When you first get your pressure washer, you’ll want to change the engine oil after the first 5 hours of use (depending on your specific brand and unit). You also must regularly change engine oil after 50 hours of use or once a year – whichever comes first.
  • Clean Air Filter: To help prevent your unit from overheating and damaging itself, while also preventing contaminants from entering the motor, you need to regularly clean your air filter. This will vary depending on the conditions you work in. However, recommendations are to clean or outright replace your air filter every 25 hours of use – or, once a year.
  • Inspect and Clean Spark Arrestor and Muffler: Every 75 hours (or once a year) you should do an inspection of the spark arrestors and muffler. Look for cracks, residue, and other signs of damage. Similarly, you’ll want to check, clean, adjust, and replace spark plugs every 100 hours of use or once a year.
  • Replace Air Filter Fuel Filter: Even if you do a great job cleaning your air filter, you should change it altogether every 200 hours or every 2 years. The same goes for your fuel filter. This is also a good time to check your fuel lines and ensure they’re clog-free and undamaged.

To Be Safe, Get Your Pressure Washer Serviced At Hotsy

Well, there you have it – all you need to know about pressure washer maintenance. One final piece of advice we want to leave you with is that if you’re putting your unit away for an extended period, you need to learn how to winterize a pressure washer. We wrote a complete guide to help you prepare for prolonged storage and keep your unit in tip-top shape for when it comes out of hibernation.

This has been just a short introduction to how to service a pressure washer in San Antonio. Because remember – our best advice is to only perform routine maintenance yourself. For more serious servicing and repairs, allow a professional like Hotsy to handle everything for you. The last thing you want is to do more harm than good – contributing to more expensive repairs down the line.

Spend your time on more important work while the fine folks at Hotsy get your gas pressure washer or electric pressure washer serviced fast and back up and running. We’ll have your unit cleaning as good as it did when you first got it!

Do Pressure Washers Overheat?

On those hot days outdoors washing off vehicles, buildings, job sites, or anything else for that matter, you’re going to feel yourself overheating – it’s important to stay hydrated over the course of the workday. But this leads us to another question – do pressure washers overheat, too?

Commercial pressure washers are a valuable piece of equipment in any business. They can help clean surfaces quickly and easily, saving time and money. However, if they are not properly maintained, they can overheat and cause significant damage. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of pressure washer overheating and how to prevent it from happening. Let’s start by addressing the main question you came here with today: do pressure washers overheat?

Do Pressure Washers Overheat?

The simple answer is yes, pressure washers can overheat. This is not unique to pressure washing machines – anything with a motor or power source can overheat in the right (or perhaps, wrong) circumstances. The key to preventing this detriment is to understand what causes this to happen. And, there are a few different reasons we see people struggling with pressure washers overheating:

  • Lack of maintenance: This is one of the most common causes of pressure washer overheating. If the machine is not properly maintained, it will not be able to function as efficiently as possible and will overheat. We recently wrote a complete guide on how to service pressure washers. This resource will help you maintain your pressure washer and prevent this issue from happening.
  • Build-up: Another common cause of pressure washer overheating is a build-up of dirt and debris in the machine. This can happen if the machine is not used regularly or if it is not properly cleaned after each use.
  • Improper usage: If the machine is used improperly, it can also cause it to overheat. For example, if the machine is used for too long or if the water pressure is too high, it can cause the machine to overheat. Don’t worry – in our article discussing the various pressure washing techniques, we cover all the basics to help you prevent improper usage from harming your machine.
  • Working conditions: One final cause of pressure washers overheating can be your working conditions. Picture this: you’re out working in the desert cleaning a job site in the scorching sun. With temperatures upwards of 110 degrees Fahrenheit, it would come as no surprise that your pressure washer gets hot. This can be further exacerbated by dust and debris flying around and clogging your air filter.

All of these factors can lead to pressure washer overheating and cause significant damage to the machine. If you notice that your pressure washer is overheating, it is important to take action immediately to prevent further damage. Let’s discuss what can happen if you try and work through the heat, so to speak.

What Can Happen When Pressure Washers Overheat?

So, yes – pressure washers can overheat. But is it really that big of a problem? Do you need to stop what you’re doing if you notice your pressure washer is overheating and rectify the problem? Yes again!

If pressure washer overheating is not rectified, it can cause a number of problems, including:

  • Damage to the machine: Overheating can damage the internal components of the machine and lead to costly repairs. Pressure washers are expensive as it is – you want to protect your investment any way you can.
  • Fire: In some cases, overheating can lead to a fire. This is especially true if the machine is not properly maintained or if there is a build-up of dirt and debris in the machine.
  • Injury: If you are using the machine when it overheats, you could be injured by the hot water or steam that is released. This is also true of the fire possibility. All things considered, preventing or fixing an overheating machine is important from a pressure washer safety standpoint.

As you can see, it is important to take action if you notice your pressure washer is overheating. But how do you fix the problem? Let’s discuss a few troubleshooting tips that can help.

Troubleshooting Pressure Washer Overheating

If your pressure washer is overheating, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the problem and get the machine running properly again. Begin by trying to determine if there is an obvious cause for the problem. Has it been a while since you changed the oil? Start there. Are you working in insanely hot conditions? Turn the machine off for a bit and move it to a shady area. If the basic solutions yield no results, we have a few additional troubleshooting tips that may produce a solution.

First, check the water supply. If the water pressure is too high, it can cause the machine to overheat. Adjust the pressure accordingly and see if that solves the problem.

Next, take a look at the machine itself. If there is a build-up of dirt and debris, this can also lead to overheating. Clean out the machine and make sure all of the components are clear before using it again.

Finally, check the oil level in the machine. If the oil is low, this can cause overheating. Add more oil as needed and be sure to use the proper type of oil for your specific model of pressure washer.

These are just a few troubleshooting tips that can help if your pressure washer is overheating. If you have followed all of these steps and the problem persists, it is important to contact a professional for further assistance. Our best advice is to find a Hotsy retailer or dealer near you so you can get professional pressure washer service and maintenance. You’ve got better things to do than try and fix a machine yourself – let the experts take care of it so you can focus on what you do best. We may even be able to offer you a rental unit in the meantime!

Preventing Pressure Washer Overheating

Now that we’ve discussed what can happen if pressure washers overheat and how to troubleshoot the problem, let’s talk about prevention. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

There are a few things you can do to prevent your pressure washer from overheating in the first place. First, be sure to follow all of the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. This will ensure that you are using the machine properly and not doing anything that could cause it to overheat.

Next, be sure to regularly maintain your pressure washer. This includes things like keeping it clean, changing the oil, and checking the water supply. These simple maintenance tasks can go a long way in preventing overheating.

Finally, be sure to use the machine as intended. If you are using it for something other than its intended purpose, this could lead to overheating. For example, using a pressure washer to remove paint from a surface is not recommended as it can damage the machine.

By following these simple tips, you can help prevent your pressure washer from overheating and keep it running properly for years to come.

If you have any further questions about do pressure washers overheat or if you need assistance with troubleshooting or prevention, please contact us. We would be happy to help!

Do Pressure Washers Overheat? Parting Thoughts

As we’ve seen, overheating can be a big problem for pressure washers. But by following the proper procedures and taking preventive measures, you can help keep your machine running properly for years to come. We’ve equipped you with the necessary information to keep your unit safe and effective – free from damage. But remember – sometimes, the problem is just the unit itself. Low-quality machines are prone to overheat. For the best commercial pressure washers on the market, stick with Hotsy.

We offer a full catalog of professional machines for businesses in all types of industries. Whether you need to clean big rigs or you operate a car detailing business, a house cleaning business, or a construction company. We have a wide array of styles to choose from – including pressure washer trailers, electric and gas machines, and even hot and cold pressure washer units.

Whether you need to find a commercial pressure washer rental service or you want to find a quality hot water pressure washer for sale, we’ve got it in our San Antonio pressure washer store. Not sure which unit is best for you? Reach out and we’ll get you taken care of!

how to use a pressure washer

What do a car detailing service, commercial trucking operation, and construction business all have in common? They have serious cleaning needs! And these are just three types of businesses that will require the use of a pressure washer – the #1 way to clean tough messes fast.

Commercial pressure washers are an essential piece of equipment for many businesses. They can be used to clean everything from sidewalks and driveways to cars and trucks. In this guide, we will teach you how to use a pressure washer like a pro! We’ll start by helping you choose the right machine for your needs, then walk you through how to use it safely and effectively. Towards the end of this article, we’ll explain where you can find the top commercial pressure washers on the market. Let’s not waste any more time!

Does My Business Really Need A Pressure Washer?

We know what you’re thinking – learning how to use a pressure washer is a lot of work. Do I really need one of these units? Or, can I get by with a standard garden hose and a high-pressure nozzle?  You might be surprised how many businesses can benefit from using a pressure washer. Here are just some of the industries that commonly use pressure washers:

  • Automotive
  • Construction
  • Food and beverage
  • Hospitality
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail

Really, any business that needs to clean large areas or deal with tough stains will find a pressure washer to be an invaluable tool. If you’re still not sure if your business needs a pressure washer, consider how often you find yourself cleaning the following:

  • Sidewalks
  • Parking lots
  • Driveways
  • Machinery
  • Trucks or cars
  • Warehouse floors

If you are constantly cleaning any of the above, then a pressure washer is a wise investment. Not only will it save you time, but it will also do a better job than any other cleaning method – even power washing by hand! The benefits of a pressure washer include more effective, efficient cleaning that contributes to substantial savings in labor. Sounds like something your business could use, right? Let’s discuss the next topic – why it is so important to learn how to use a pressure washer correctly.

Why Learning How To Use A Pressure Washer Correctly Is So Important

If you’re under the impression that you can just invest in a commercial pressure washer and turn it on and get started cleaning, you are sorely mistaken. Learning the proper use of a power washer is important for not just businesses, but anyone using one of these units. Here’s why:

Pressure washers are powerful machines. If not used correctly, they can cause serious damage to property – and even people! Using a pressure washer correctly will prolong its lifespan. Improper use will lead to costly repairs down the road.

You’ll get the best cleaning results if you know how to operate your machine properly.

Now that we’ve discussed some of the importance of learning how to use a pressure washer, let’s move on to our next topic – how to choose the right machine for your business needs. After all, there are many different types and models of commercial pressure washers on the market today! How do you know which one is best for your business? Keep reading to find out…

How To Choose The Right Pressure Washer For Your Business

Not all pressure washers are created equal! When choosing a machine for your business, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The type of surface you’ll be cleaning most often
  • The frequency of use
  • The severity of the dirt and grime you’ll be dealing with
  • Your budget

Once you’ve considered all of the above, you’ll be able to narrow down your options and choose the best machine for your needs. If you’re still not sure which one to choose, don’t hesitate to reach out to the pros at Hotsy for advice. We can help you find the perfect match for your business! Or, for a few recommendations, take a look at our review of the best commercial pressure washers currently on the market.

Now that we’ve covered how to choose the right pressure washer, it’s time to move on to the next topic – how to use a pressure washer correctly and safely. After all, these are powerful machines – and if not used properly, they can cause serious damage. So, let’s get started!

How To Use A Pressure Washer Correctly & Safely

Now that you know how to choose the right pressure washer for your business, it’s time to learn how to use it correctly and safely. Here are some tips to get you started:

Begin By Reading The Owner’s Manual

Read the owner’s manual before using the machine. This seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t do this! The owner’s manual will provide important information on how to operate the machine safely and effectively. All machines vary at least a bit, so it is important to consult your specific unit’s recommendations.

Don’t Forget The PPE

Of course, the next step is getting all your PPE together. As we discussed in our complete guide to staying safe with pressure washers, this is not a step you can skip. This includes protection for your eyes, ears, and even hands – especially when pressure washing with hot water.

If you have a highly caustic soap in your machine, then you may even want to wear full-body protection on your arms and legs as well. Of course, your footwear should provide good traction and protection as well. You can learn more in our article discussing pressure washer safety.

Preparing Your Pressure Washer For Use

Once you’ve got your gear on, you can get your pressure washer ready for cleaning. Start by hooking it up to a water source. There will be a connection for a standard garden hose fitting to connect to the pump and another connection for the pump to a high-pressure hose. This is where the spray will actually come from, as you can probably tell.

Before you actually turn your unit on – whether it is electric or gas – ensure that all fluid levels are topped off and your machine doesn’t have any leaks or problems that could prevent you from cleaning safely and effectively.

While you’re preparing your pressure washer for us, you should take a few minutes to prepare the area around where you’re cleaning if necessary. That means moving any vehicles out of range, taping off the area from people entering your cleaning zone, and covering up glass windows if necessary.

But, this step also entails general cleanup. Remove any debris, sweep up loose dirt and leaves, and do a quick cleaning to ensure that the pressure washer isn’t fighting an uphill battle. At that point, you can fire up the machine and get to work.

Actually Using Your Pressure Washer

Now, in terms of actually using the pressure washer, it’s pretty simple. Once you’ve read through your manual, put on all your essential gear, and prepared the unit for cleaning, it’s time to actually get to work.

Start with the nozzle tip about 18″ away from the surface you’re cleaning. This will give you time to get a feel for how the machine works before you start cleaning. While cleaning, keep the nozzle moving. This will also prevent damage to the surface you’re cleaning – while helping evenly distribute the cleaner or detergent you’re using. If you find that 18″ isn’t quite enough, you can move the nozzle closer to add more pressure – but avoid getting closer than 6″ from the surface. If you find that this isn’t enough, you can add a higher-powered nozzle.

Work your way from top to bottom when power washing surfaces like walls or siding. This will prevent streaks and ensure that all dirt and grime are removed. It’s also important to avoid staying in one spot too long – this can damage the surface you’re attempting to clean.

Be careful of obstacles like flower beds, trees, cars, etc. Pressure washers are powerful machines – and can cause serious damage if not used properly!

Learn How To Use A Pressure Washer For Different Types Of Jobs

Using a pressure washer isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach across different jobs. Your recommendations for pressure washing house siding will vary from washing a car with a pressure washer. So, before you break ground on any specific job, make sure you know what recommendations are for that type of job. This is important not just to achieve an effective, efficient clean, but also to prevent damage to certain surfaces – such as a vehicle’s paint.

Advanced Pressure Washing Techniques For Faster, More Effective Cleaning

In the section above we just barely scratched the surface of how to use a pressure washer. Now, we want to share some advanced pressure washing techniques for faster, more effective cleaning. This advice will have you working like a power washing pro in no time!

Add Soap When Pressure Washing

One of the best pieces of advice we can offer is to learn how to use soap with a pressure washer. A quality pressure washer soap will help you cut through even the thickest, most caked-on dirt and grime you come across. Even a powerful hot water pressure washer alone may not be enough for certain messes – you need to use a proper detergent.

As we covered in our complete guide linked above, there are different types of soaps for different types of messes – read through to learn which type is best for your unique situation. Then, head over to Hotsy and get the best detergents available! Unlike most detergents, ours prolong the life of your machine rather than compromising it.

Use The Right Nozzle & Hose For The Job

Just as there are different types of pressure washing soap for different jobs, so too are there different nozzles for different jobs. You also have to factor in the type of hose you use – because as you’ll discover in our blog, pressure washer hoses aren’t universal.

Fortunately, we have a plethora of resources to help you mix and match nozzles and hoses with ease. Take a look at our article discussing which pressure washer nozzle to use for soap if you want to get the most bang for your buck with your cleaning.

For more advanced pressure washing techniques, take a look at our complete guide.

Final Thoughts On How To Use A Pressure Washer

Well, there you have it – how to use a pressure washer. You now know everything you need to get started cleaning with no prior experience.

Remember – the hardest part about using a pressure washer isn’t actually using it. It is choosing the right type of machine for the job and preparing the proper soaps, nozzles, and hoses. Clear the area, put on your PPE, and follow the pressure washing techniques we recommended above. You’ll find that over time, pressure washing gets easier and easier as you gain more experience.

But to truly unlock the most efficient, effective cleaning capabilities? You need the best pressure washers for the job. And for that, look no further than Hotsy’s online pressure washer store. We have come to be known as the #1 choice for all things pressure washing – from pressure washer trailers to pressure washer rentals, gas and electric units, hot and cold water units, soaps, and spare parts. To see our full catalog and take your cleaning game to the next level, head over to the site!

Are Electric Pressure Washers Worth It

When it comes to pressure washers, there are two main types to choose from: gas and electric. Gas pressure washers have typically been the go-to choice, both for residential and commercial applications. But today, electric pressure washers are becoming more and more common for both home and business use.

If you’re thinking about getting an electric pressure washer for your business, you might find some conflicting information on the Internet about which is better. Are electric pressure washers worth it? Or are people hyping them up for all the wrong reasons?

Today, we will get to the bottom of this and help you decide if an electric pressure washer is the right fit for your business. First, let’s define what electric pressure washers are:

What Are Electric Pressure Washers?

Electric pressure washers are powered by–you guessed it–electricity! They use an electric motor or pump to blast pressurized water from the nozzle gun, with pressures going as high as 3,500 pounds per square inch (psi). This kind of pressure is more than sufficient for most general cleaning jobs, such as removing dirt, old paint, mildew, and oil. Hence, it is a common choice for both commercial and residential applications.

Not sure how much pressure you need? Check out our previous blog to better determine how much pressure washer psi you need.

Are Electric Pressure Washers Worth It?

Whether it’s going to be used for residential or commercial applications, we can say with confidence that an electric pressure washer is definitely worth it. From a business standpoint, an electric pressure washer would make an invaluable addition to your arsenal of cleaning tools, especially if you belong in a grime-prone industry like foodservice, automotive, or commercial cleaning. Here are the specific reasons why:

Advantages Of Electric Pressure Washers

Electric pressure washers are known to be affordable, low-maintenance, highly portable, environmentally friendly, and quiet. Let’s discuss each of these advantages in deeper detail:


The average price for an electric pressure washer is around $250, whereas gas pressure washers can go for about $380, on average. So, if you’re looking for affordability, electric pressure washers take the cake.

Low Maintenance

While electric power washers are not maintenance-free, they do require far less maintenance than gas pressure washers. Aside from general cleaning and occasional pump lubrication, you rarely have to change its parts–and you definitely don’t need to refill it with fuel, unlike a gas-powered washer.

Highly Portable

Electric pressure washers typically weigh between 15 to 60 pounds, which is a far cry from the average weight of a gas pressure washer, which can easily go over 100 pounds. Even if your machine’s weight is on the higher end of the spectrum, it will still be easy to carry around and load onto vehicles for transport.

Environmentally Friendly

In comparison to gas pressure washers, electric pressure washers are far more environmentally friendly. This is because, unlike gas power washers, electric-powered units do not use fuel and subsequently emit fumes into the air.


Even with high amounts of pressure, electric pressure washers are known to be far quieter than gas-powered washers. This combined with the fact that they don’t emit fumes, gas pressure washers are ideal for both outdoor and indoor use. 

Drawbacks Of Electric Pressure Washers

From the advantages that we’ve mentioned above, it is easy to see why electric pressure washers are worth it. But, of course, you must also consider the drawbacks in order to make an informed buying decision.

So, what are the potential disadvantages of electric power washers?

Must Be Plugged In

Perhaps the biggest drawback of an electric pressure washer is that it needs to be plugged in at all times. This can make it difficult to use if you’re working in a space with electrical outlets spaced far away from each other. For example, if you’re washing a car with a pressure washer, you will likely need an extension cord or a longer power cord to do the job.

Less Durable

When it comes to durability, gas pressure washers trump electric pressure washers. Gas-powered units can last for ten years, easy. Electric pressure washers, on the other hand, tend to only last 3 to 5 years, depending on the maintenance. This is the reason why many people view electric pressure washers as “disposable.” Nevertheless, you can make your washer last much longer with proper care–and with a good warranty!

How Do Electric Pressure Washers Stack Up Against Gas Units?

So, what is better? An electric pressure washer or gas pressure washer? The answer depends on your business’ needs, preferences, and ultimately–where your priorities lie.

An electric pressure washer is a great option if you’re looking for a practical tool for general cleaning jobs. As we’ve explained earlier, electric machines are powerful enough to clean off most dirt and grime, including old paint, mold, grease, plant residue, and much more. That said, having an electric pressure washer for your business will save you a lot of headaches–and for the right price.

More than that, you don’t have to worry much about maintaining it–no fuel, no oil, and no major replacements. With just enough cleaning and lubrication, you can easily make your investment last long enough for it to be worth it.

All things considered, an electric pressure washer is a great choice if you want good functionality for a reasonable price. 

​​Are Electric Pressure Washers Worth It? Wrapping Up

Not all electric pressure washers are made equal, so if you want to get your money’s worth, stick to one of the most reliable suppliers of commercial pressure washers in the country: Hotsy Equipment Company! From electric to gas pressure washers and cold to hot water pressure washers, we’ve got every solution for your business needs–all made with the best quality materials and top-notch innovation that you won’t find elsewhere.

Don’t waste time on short-term solutions. Browse our collection today and invest in the highest-quality pressure washer that your business deserves!

Can You Rent A Pressure Washer?

Perhaps you just need a pressure washer for one general cleaning day at your business. Or maybe you want to test out a certain model before you bite the bullet and buy a brand new one. Any time you’re in a situation where buying a new pressure washer may not make financial sense, renting is the way to go.

But hold up–can you rent a pressure washer? And if so, what are the benefits of renting instead of buying one? The potential drawbacks? Today, we will answer all the questions you may have about renting a pressure washer, so keep on reading!

Can You Rent A Pressure Washer?

If you’ve ever been hands-on with the cleaning operations at your business, you’ll definitely know when to use a pressure washer. Certain jobs require the cleaning power that only a pressure washer can provide. For instance, say you have deep oil stains on your workshop’s floors or years’ worth of grime on your business’ storefront. You will need to use a pressure washer in order to remove dirt, grime, grease, and other contaminants quickly and efficiently.

But what if you only need a pressure washer, say, once a month? Or maybe a few times a year? Or what if you have a one-time project that calls for a pressure washer? In cases like these, you have the option to rent a pressure washer instead of buying one. Yes, just like any other major power tool, you can rent a pressure washer.

However, you may ask yourself this question: “Is it really better to rent a pressure washer instead of buying one?” To be able to come up with a solid answer, you must know the advantages and disadvantages of renting a pressure washer:

What Are The Benefits Of Renting A Pressure Washer?

You wouldn’t buy a car if you’re only going to use it once a month. The same logic applies to renting a pressure washer–or any other tool, for that matter.

Renting a commercial pressure washer is a good idea if you’re only going to use it for a quick project and you don’t expect to need it anytime soon. You won’t have to shell out a significant amount of money for a unit of your own, and you won’t have to worry about financing (read: business loans) an expensive piece of equipment. In other words, the cost to rent a pressure washer is a very small fraction of what it would take to buy a whole new unit.

More than that, renting a pressure washer means you don’t have to worry about maintenance–that’s the rental company’s job. Pressure washers need regular maintenance just like any other tool, and this can be cumbersome if you don’t have the time or money to maintain your own unit. Plus, pressure washers will need replacement parts over time, which is another added cost of owning one. 

When you rent one, all you have to do is use it properly, and then give it back. No cleaning, repairing, or part replacements needed.

Another major benefit of renting a pressure washer is that you have the freedom to select whichever unit you need for a particular job. Pressure washers come in many types; there are hot water pressure washers, cold water pressure washers, electric pressure washers, and gas-powered pressure washers. There are even pressure washer trailers that are bigger and more powerful than the average unit, which are used for the toughest cleaning jobs.

What we’re trying to say here is that you are not limited to just one type of pressure washer as opposed to when you buy one of your own. For example, if you need a pressure washer that can remove rust, you can rent a unit that is powerful enough to blast away corrosion. When you own a pressure washer, you will need to spend more money on renting if you have a job that calls for a different kind of power washer.

In conclusion, here are the benefits of renting a pressure washer:

  • More cost-effective for infrequent projects
  • No maintenance is required on your end
  • Freedom to choose different types of pressure washers

What Are The Drawbacks Of Renting A Pressure Washer?

Of course, there are also potential disadvantages of renting a pressure washer. For one, you won’t have a pressure washer on hand whenever you need it. You will have to call up the rental store, ask for availability, and schedule your delivery. In addition to the hassle, there is also a risk of the pressure washer you need being unavailable at the time you need it. 

This is why it is better to rent a pressure washer only if you don’t plan to use it frequently. In contrast, it would be impractical to rent a pressure washer if you need one regularly; it might seem cheaper to rent, but in the long run, you will end up paying more if you’re renting every week.

All that said, is it better to buy or rent a pressure washer?

The general recommendation is to invest in a pressure washer of your own if you use it more than three times a month. With this kind of frequency, it is impractical and logistically difficult to keep renting when you could just have a unit ready to use whenever you need it. 

Can You Rent A Pressure Washer? Closing Thoughts

So, can you rent a pressure washer? Yes, you definitely can. And it’s a great option if you only need a pressure washer once or twice a month. You don’t need to invest a significant amount of money on a new unit; you won’t have to worry about maintenance, and you can pick any type of pressure washer you want, depending on your project. 

However, keep in mind that not all rental companies are made equal. If you want to make the most out of the commercial pressure washer rental fee, pick the best of the best units from Hotsy, one of the top pressure washer store in the country!

Pressure Washer Safety: Are Pressure Washers Dangerous?

At first glance, a pressure washer in action doesn’t look all that dangerous. After all, it’s just a blast of water, albeit more powerful than what you get from a regular garden hose–right?


A pressure washer–just like any other power tool in your garage–can become dangerous with improper use. Think about it: if a pressure washer can remove paint from a surface, just imagine what it can do to bare skin! You’re lucky if all you get is a bruise or a wound. But with a pressure washer’s powerful spray, it is very likely to have water injected into your skin, which can easily cause a deep-layer infection.

As a business, you are responsible for your employees’ safety and your own. With that in mind, knowing about pressure washer safety is crucial before you attempt to use a pressure washer without prior experience.

Keep on reading to learn more about the potential dangers of using a pressure washer and–more importantly, how to prevent serious injuries or damage from happening.

Are Pressure Washers Dangerous?

The short answer is yes, pressure washers can be dangerous. But the real question you should ask is, how dangerous are pressure washers?

A pressure washer can be just as dangerous as any other power tool, but the injuries that they can cause are definitely less severe than, say, a power saw. However, this doesn’t make them any less hazardous. At the very least, getting hit by the spray of a pressure washer can cause minor bruising or wounds on your skin. In worse cases, however, the pressurized water can penetrate deep into the skin and where it’s not supposed to be, which can lead to an infection. Let’s say you get sprayed in the eyes – you could be at risk of losing your vision permanently.

We say all this not to scare you, but rather to make you aware of the reality you face when you use a pressure washer.

These types of deep-tissue injuries can appear to be no big deal at first glance, which can increase the risk of not seeking medical help until it’s too late. In the absolute worst cases, a pressure washer injury where the water ended up deep inside the skin can lead to disability and even amputation.

So, to answer the question, “are pressure washers dangerous?” Yes, they can be–unless you employ proper pressure washer safety practices. This brings us to our next topic:

At What Pressure Are Pressure Washers Dangerous?

To be able to use a pressure washer safely, you must know the level of pressure at which pressure washers can become dangerous. More specifically, you need to know the pounds per square inch (psi) level at which the jet of water can cut through the outer layer of skin, which is 1,160 psi.

General cleaning applications call for 1,500 to 1,900 psi of pressure. Pressure washers that can emit pressure between 1,500 to 1,900 psi are considered “light-duty”. That said, an average pressure washer with a “light” spray can be strong enough to cause serious injury if you’re not careful.

Having said that, just imagine how much damage a higher psi level can cause (pressure washers can go up to 3,300+ psi!). In any case, it is important to practice proper pressure washer safety at any pressure.

Speaking of psi, check out this guide on how much water pressure psi you need for different types of applications!

Pressure Washer Safety Tips

Before you attempt to use a pressure washer, take note of these important safety tips to minimize the risk of accidents:

Learn How To Use a Pressure Washer Before Using One

It is imperative that you know the correct pressure washer techniques before even touching an actual machine. A pressure washer is a very powerful tool that can easily cause serious injuries and damage to property when placed in the wrong hands. Therefore, if you are inexperienced, it is crucial that you know how to use a pressure washer properly, at least in theory.

Pro tip: Watch video tutorials on how to use a pressure washer, ideally with the same type of washer that you have. There are plenty of sources online that you can use to learn before you give your pressure washer a go.

Once you learn what you need to do, you can start practicing with your pressure washer at a low psi. Set your pressure washer at the lowest psi it can go, then work your way up as you learn how to maneuver the nozzle properly. In any case, work in an abandoned area where there is less risk of injuring someone or damaging property. 

Wear PPE

When using a pressure washer, be sure to wear clothing that covers your skin i.e. pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Similarly, wear shoes that cover your entire foot; work boots with metatarsal guards are the best option, but regular sneakers will do as long as they are thick enough. 

Eye and ear protection are also an absolute must. Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from the mist and other particles, as well as to prevent accidents caused by something flying into your eye. If you are using a gas-powered pressure washer, which can be very loud, don’t forget to wear ear protection, too. 

It is also recommended to wear waterproof safety gloves to protect your hands in case they accidentally get in the way of the pressurized spray. Waterproof gloves will also prevent your hands from getting wet, which minimizes the risk of you losing grip on the nozzle gun. 

Another important tip: if you are using a hot water pressure washer, opt for insulated waterproof gloves!

Clear The Area Before Spraying

The powerful spray of a pressure washer can not only pose a risk to humans but inanimate objects as well. That said, always make sure to clear the area before you start working. Get rid of any obstacles that can get in the way of your spray; cover up windows; barricade the walkways (if you are working in a public area), and cover surrounding greenery with a tarp if necessary.

Never Aim The Wand at Anyone

How dangerous are pressure washers? Dangerous enough that you should treat your pressure washer wand like a firearm! Never aim it at anyone or anything that you don’t intend to clean. When the water is off, always point the wand downward and keep your fingers off the trigger.

Don’t Use a Gas Pressure Washer in an Enclosed Space

A gas-powered pressure washer emits fumes as it burns fuel for power. As a result, it is only ideal for outdoor use. If you try to operate a gas pressure washer inside an enclosed space, the carbon monoxide can remain trapped indoors, and you will be at risk for carbon monoxide poisoning. If a cleaning job needs to be done indoors, use an electric pressure washer instead.

Cover Electrical Outlets

Before cleaning an area, make it a point to check for and cover electrical outlets. You already know what can happen if you accidentally spray water into one.

Start With a Wide Nozzle

All pressure washers come with 3 to 4 nozzle tips. The widest angle nozzle tip is the 40-degree nozzle, which sprays a gentle fan of water on a surface. The smallest and strongest nozzle tip is the 0-degree nozzle, which sprays a jet of water the size of a quarter. Whenever you work on a new surface, always start with the 40-degree nozzle first, then work your way down until you find the nozzle tip that is strong enough to do the job.

Maintain Your Equipment Properly

This is a safety tip that a lot of business owners tend to forget. Proper maintenance is not only necessary to save money on your pressure washer–it’s also important for the safety of whoever uses it.

To illustrate, a poorly-maintained pressure washer has a higher risk of failing, which can lead to accidents. In the unfortunate event that it does cause an accident, you are legally obligated to pay for damages and medical expenses because maintaining the machine is your responsibility as a business owner. If it is your employee that sustains injuries, they are also entitled to workers’ compensation.

Final Thoughts On Pressure Washer Safety

With all the points that we’ve made here, you should be able to understand how important it is to employ all the necessary safety precautions when using a pressure washer. Don’t put your workers, yourself, and your business at risk–always make safety your #1 priority!

More than that, invest in a top-quality commercial pressure washer san antonio that has all the features you need to increase user safety. With a reliable unit from Hotsy Equipment Company, you won’t have to worry about your hot water pressure washer spraying scalding water everywhere for no reason–or perhaps your electric pressure washer suddenly malfunctioning. As long as you do your part in maintaining your machine, you can rest assured that a Hotsy pressure washer will remain fully functional and safe for years to come.

what is better electric or gas pressure washer

Before you pick your unit, you’ll have to address this important question – what is better, electric or gas pressure washer? A seemingly never-ending debate, both home users and commercial cleaners alike still can’t agree on which type of pressure washer is the best.

So, which is it?

The reality is that this question doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all answer. It will depend on what you’re looking to use the unit for. Thus, you have to understand the pros and cons of each type of. Only then can you determine which option is the best one for your needs. Today, you’ll discover the differences between an electric pressure washer vs a gas pressure washer. By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly which one you need to go with.

But before all that, let’s talk about why it is so important to choose the right pressure washer.

Why Is Choosing The Right Pressure Washer So Important?

The difference between a gas pressure washer and an electric pressure washer might seem straightforward and insignificant, but it’s anything but.

Each type of pressure washer has unique features, advantages, and drawbacks. Some jobs are easier to do with an electric pressure washer, while others may require the power that a gas pressure washer provides. More than that, these pressure washers also have varying skill requirements. Depending on the user, one type of pressure washer may be safer to use than the other.

That said, choosing the right pressure washer is crucial to not only ensure that you’re doing the job right – but that you’re also doing it safely.

What Is An Electric Pressure Washer?

Electric pressure washers use an electric motor or pump to shoot pressurized water from the hose. They can be very powerful, with some commercial pressure washers even going up to 3,500 psi. But even with that kind of power, electric pressure washers tend to be quiet, which is important for residential use. They are great for cleaning small to medium-sized spaces/surfaces, such as patios, grills, and cars. If you need more power, many electric models can fit pressure washer accessories to boost your power or efficiency.

Another great thing about electric pressure washers is that they require very little maintenance. In fact, this is the main reason why some people prefer electric over gas. You don’t have to buy gas or oil, and you won’t have to replace any major parts. The only maintenance that an electric pressure washer needs is lubrication for the pump and, of course, general cleaning.

Now comes the downsides. An electric pressure washer is cheaper than a gas pressure washer. For some people, this is an upside. But if you want a machine that can last you for more than just a few years, choosing a cheaper machine won’t give you the durability you’re looking for.

Another possible disadvantage of an electric pressure washer is the power cord. You will be limited to cleaning areas with an outlet nearby – which can be inconvenient.

To summarize, here are the pros and cons of an electric pressure washer:


  • Can go up to 3,5oo psi
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to start
  • Can be used in enclosed spaces
  • Quiet
  • Inexpensive
  • Little maintenance required
  • Ideal for general cleaning tasks


  • Less durable
  • Less portable
  • Must be plugged in at all times

What Is A Gas Pressure Washer?

Gas pressure washers have gas-fueled engines that power the water pump. They are more powerful than their electric counterparts, with an average psi of 2,800. More powerful models can go up to 4,200 psi – enough pressure to tackle the toughest of cleaning jobs.

Hence, gas pressure washers are suitable for both residential and commercial applications.

Since gas pressure washers don’t need to be plugged in, they are highly portable. Although they are heavy, gas pressure washer models typically have wheels to make them mobile. You can take them anywhere, as opposed to an electric pressure washer that requires a power source.

When it comes to durability, gas pressure washers take the cake. These machines are built to last for decades, which is why most professionals prefer them over electric pressure washers.

On the flip side, some people don’t like gas pressure washers because they require more maintenance. You have to constantly monitor the oil level so that the motor and pump remain cool. Plus, you may need to replace parts more frequently. And, of course, you need to keep it topped of with gas.

Because of their durability, gas pressure washers also tend to be more expensive – a downside to people looking for affordability. But if you want quality that lasts for years, the higher price point is definitely worth it.

Moreover, gas pressure washers make a lot of noise and produce harmful emissions. With that in mind, it is generally unsafe to use a gas-powered pressure washer in an enclosed space. You also need to wear proper ear protection if the noise levels go beyond 85 decibels (according to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration or OSHA).

To summarize, here are the pros and cons of a gas pressure washer:


  • Can go up to 4,200 psi
  • Highly portable
  • Extremely durable; can last for 10 years and beyond
  • Ideal for large, tough cleaning jobs


  • Expensive
  • Loud
  • High maintenance
  • Harmful emissions
  • May be dangerous for inexperienced users

So – What Is Better, Electric or Gas Pressure Washer?

So, what is better, electric or gas pressure washers?

Now that you know the pros and cons of each type, you can probably already tell which one is the best for you. If you need a pressure washer for small cleaning jobs and don’t mind the limited portability, an electric pressure washer may be the more cost-effective choice. After all, you don’t need to invest in an expensive machine if you’re only going to use your pressure washer a few times per year.

But what if you need something more powerful, durable, and portable? Well, a gas pressure washer ticks all those boxes. Investing in a gas pressure washer will allow you to clean large surfaces and the toughest stains with higher psi. Not sure how much pressure washer psi you need? We wrote a complete guide to help you decide.

Additionally, you can take a gas pressure washer anywhere. So, you won’t be limited to cleaning jobs with a nearby power source.

Here’s a snapshot of the differences between each option:


Gas pressure washers are more powerful, making them the better choice for very tough cleaning jobs and large surfaces. Some gas pressure washers can even remove rust.


Since gas pressure washers do not need to be plugged in, they trump electric pressure washers in portability.


Electric power washers are lighter. Hence, they are easier to use and transport. Gas power washers are heavy, but they have wheels to make up for this and allow for easy mobility.


Electric power washers are generally cheaper than their gas counterparts. If you only need a machine for general, infrequent use, an electric power washer may be just what you’re looking for.


An electric pressure washer can last for a long time with proper care. However, they are not as durable as gas pressure washers, which can easily last more than ten years.


Electric pressure washers require little maintenance, which is a key advantage if you don’t have a lot of time. Gas pressure washers, on the other hand, need constant maintenance in order to function properly.


If you don’t have much experience with pressure washers, an electric model will be the safest option. Gas pressure washers are way more powerful and, therefore, require more skill to operate safely.


If noise is an issue, an electric power washer is quieter than a gas-powered one. You will need ear protection when using the latter. All that said, the better choice depends on your personal needs. So, only you can answer which is the best pressure washer for you!

Final Thoughts On Which Is Better: Electric or Gas Pressure Washers

Now that you know what is better – an electric or gas pressure washer – there is just one thing left to do – pick yours!

Electric pressure washers are ideal for general cleaning jobs that only require moderate psi. As long as you have a power source, you can use an electric pressure washer without any problems. This type of washer is quiet, lightweight, and low maintenance. Plus, it’s safe to use even for inexperienced homeowners.

Gas pressure washers are the better choice if you need more power and want to clean something far away from an electrical socket. Durable and long-lasting, you can expect your gas pressure washer to last for decades!

The final answer? It all boils down to your needs and preferences. Now that you know the differences between each type of washer, you can make the best choice for you and your home. You should also read our article discussing hot water vs cold water pressure washers – as this is an important consideration, too. And if you’d like a specific recommendation, take a look at our year-end review of the best commercial pressure washers. When the time comes to buy yours, head over to Hotsy – the most trusted pressure washer store in San Antonio!